Loose skin from pregnancy?

When I was pregnant with my daughter 8 years ago, I thought this was my chance to eat anything I wanted...After all I was eating for two right? Haha. Boy was I WRONG! I gained 40 lbs on my 5'3" frame. To this day I have loose saggy skin on my mid- section. Is there anything I can do to tighten my belly up or is there no hope? Thanks in advance!


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Continue to lower your body fat percentage and you should see some improvements. I would also recommend that you begin a strength training program as soon as possible
  • emilyjeangray
    emilyjeangray Posts: 5 Member
    Ugh I have loose tummy skin too. My daughter is 10 months old. I think I might try chemical peels after I lose more weight.