Day 1 on slimfast

I find in life I have a very addictive personality and for one I'm addicted to food. Sweet savoury you name it. If it's there I'll eat it.
So starting from today I am trying a new technique.... Become addicted to controlling food. It's all or nothing. I've tried cutting down or eating healthier many times before but nothing seems to get through to my state of mind and I just give up after a few days. This lead me to slim fast. I'm taking out all option for self esteem and and am leaving myself no choice of what to eat. Slimfast for breakfast slimfast for lunch and a weight watchers meal for dinner. For the first 2 weeks I'm sticking to 900 calories per day to kick start weight loss then I'll up it to include snacks . Wish me luck in getting out of this miserable fat body. And please get in touch if you need a slimfast buddy xxxxx best of luck to you all


  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    900 calories a day is a terrible idea, but do you.
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    Please do yourself a favor and rethink that plan. I am also addicted to food, as are many people here. 1200 calories is the lowest recommended net calorie goal for women. 900 calories/day, even for just 2 weeks is just setting yourself up for failure and binges. In the past, I have always failed when trying to restrict myself too much. By allowing myself to eat healthy portions of the foods I enjoy, and fitting them into my calorie goals I am much less likely to binge, and if I do overeat I can move on to the next meal without letting it derail me.

    If you feel like you want to use the Slim Fast shakes be sure to supplement with some real food. At the very least fruit and veggies to help keep you full. And be careful of the sodium content in the frozen dinners. You are better off with home made food there, too.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    This will probably have the opposite effect of what you want to reach.

    1. 900 calories, even short-term, is not recommended unless under medical supervision
    2. Even if you do stick with the plan, how is this going to prepare you for when you reach your goal weight?

    It sounds like you may have cut too low in the past or cut out foods you enjoy. Eat in a moderate deficit (a pound per week, depending on how much you have to lose), focus on nutrition and reaching your macros/micros but don't deprive yourself of something you love.
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    I can tell you: no one on here is going to condone only consuming 900 calories. A woman needs a minimum of 1200 calories/day just to think, breathe, move, live. I would highly suggest starting with a more appropriate calorie intake and adjusting if you don't see results: something like 1500 is much more sustainable and gives you wiggle room to adjust lower should you have a few weeks without weight loss. Good luck!
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I find in life I have a very addictive personality and for one I'm addicted to food. Sweet savoury you name it. If it's there I'll eat it.
    So starting from today I am trying a new technique.... Become addicted to controlling food. It's all or nothing. I've tried cutting down or eating healthier many times before but nothing seems to get through to my state of mind and I just give up after a few days. This lead me to slim fast. I'm taking out all option for self esteem and and am leaving myself no choice of what to eat. Slimfast for breakfast slimfast for lunch and a weight watchers meal for dinner. For the first 2 weeks I'm sticking to 900 calories per day to kick start weight loss then I'll up it to include snacks . Wish me luck in getting out of this miserable fat body. And please get in touch if you need a slimfast buddy xxxxx best of luck to you all

    Please do not do this. This is not sustainable and is very unhealthy.

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    The "i'm taking out all options for self esteem" is troubling when I hear that. And you are basically going to put yourself in handcuffs and shackles and treating you and your eating like being a prisoner?

    Please rethink this and please rethink the 900 calories. We here in the MFP community cannot support this low of a calorie diet but I will encourage till I am blue in the face to please get some professional assistance to help you deal with this. Food is not the problem foremost. It is your relationship with yourself first and before you can deal with the food, this will never work for very long.

    Please get some help, talk to family and friends, find you a support system and get help setting up a plan after you have dealt with all the things that are keeping you from finding that better version of yourself inside and out!
  • aliciapastorlecha
    aliciapastorlecha Posts: 169 Member
    I would suggest you start with 1200 cal/day. As mentioned by the other members, 900 is way to low. 1222 calories is the bare minimum for a woman.
    My fitness pal gives you the option to set your calorie goal and your macros. I would suggest you to start with 1200 calories, 50% protein, 30% carbs and 20% fats. Also you should add exercise, a mix of cardio and weight training.
    Doing 900 calories is not sustainable and even if it is for 2 weeks, you have the risk of binging just because mentally you have so many restrictions.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Wish me luck in getting out of this miserable fat body. And please get in touch if you need a slimfast buddy xxxxx best of luck to you all

    That plan defiantly sounds miserable! You shouldn't punish yourself like that. 900 calories is too low.
  • gemmatomlinson85
    gemmatomlinson85 Posts: 4 Member
    I could add in some snacks to make it up to 1200? Fruit and veg would keep me feeling filled up too. Xx
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    It sounds like you may be battling an eating disorder. Food should NEVER be all or nothing- That's the classic make up of yo-yo dieting. And there is absolutely no reason to be below 1000 cals without a doctor or nutritionist's supervision.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I could add in some snacks to make it up to 1200? Fruit and veg would keep me feeling filled up too. Xx

    Why not eat real food but weigh your portions and keep them logged here on MFP? Using liquid meal replacement is ok for one meal...I don't really like to eat breakfast so I do that, but I eat real food every day--food I like. That way I learn how to do this for the rest of my life.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2016
    I could add in some snacks to make it up to 1200? Fruit and veg would keep me feeling filled up too. Xx

    OP, I think you may have made 1/4 of a step in the right direction in rethinking calorie numbers..

    But slimfast alone is a bad idea. No nutritional value, not helping you with long term habits and success. You will not find very many folks here in the community that do slimfast shakes and count calories too. We like to take what we have always been eating (our very favorite things) and incorporate that into our diet and of course make newer and better health choices when it comes to food.

    The issue I see with your situation is there are red flags in your OP. First the very addictive personality, addicted to all food, you want to be addicted to controlling, and the statements about self esteem.

    I am not here to nick pick, I just want to point out that I realize that maybe if you lost some weight, you might feel better on the outside, but there is some troubling going on the inside. And even if you loose some weight doing this crazy thing and the way you have gone about it through your thought processes, this is not a long term solution to your weight or your future.

    Its not only about loosing the weight, it really is about 100% you from the inside and out and all these must be in sync for any process to work and I mean long term, you have a very very short term solution to a long term problem.

    In the end, you will end up gaining it back, being more emotionally detached from yourself and possibly others, physically not feeling any better and this usually this comes back with extra pounds gained.

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    This will probably have the opposite effect of what you want to reach.

    1. 900 calories, even short-term, is not recommended unless under medical supervision
    2. Even if you do stick with the plan, how is this going to prepare you for when you reach your goal weight?

    It sounds like you may have cut too low in the past or cut out foods you enjoy. Eat in a moderate deficit (a pound per week, depending on how much you have to lose), focus on nutrition and reaching your macros/micros but don't deprive yourself of something you love.


    I've done was never filling. Be prepared to be hungry & miserable.

    I gained all the weight back because meal replacements do not address the problem. I'm fat because my portions for REAL food are too big. Using MFP and logging food that I will be eating after I get to goal is eye-opening. Using MFP for regular food gives me tools I will need for maintenance. Using MFP for food "substitutes" seems pointless.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited May 2016
    StacyChrz wrote: »
    Please do yourself a favor and rethink that plan. I am also addicted to food, as are many people here. 1200 calories is the lowest recommended net calorie goal for women. 900 calories/day, even for just 2 weeks is just setting yourself up for failure and binges. In the past, I have always failed when trying to restrict myself too much. By allowing myself to eat healthy portions of the foods I enjoy, and fitting them into my calorie goals I am much less likely to binge, and if I do overeat I can move on to the next meal without letting it derail me.

    If you feel like you want to use the Slim Fast shakes be sure to supplement with some real food. At the very least fruit and veggies to help keep you full. And be careful of the sodium content in the frozen dinners. You are better off with home made food there, too.

    It's unfortunate that I can only click awesome once on this post.
    When you take your time to do it correctly, consuming the correct amount of calories for a moderate weight loss your developing habits and learning things that will hopefully last a lifetime instead of torturing yourself to the point of absolute frustration that will lead to a binge.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    The OP makes me very sad...that is a definite recipe for disaster. You are setting yourself up for a huge disappointment and you are then going to be beating yourself up for "failing" what is actually an unwinnable battle.

    Please just eat normal foods - and I bet you can lose weight on more than 1200 calories a day. That is a minimum amount and you may need 1500 calories per day to be satisfied and still lose weight. Not sure what your current weight is but I bet you a donut, you could eat more than 1200 and lose weight. More happily!!!

    Please, instead of buying slim fast, buy a digital scale, and weigh your food - good, yummy food. Premeasure your portions out if it helps. Buy fruit, wash it, and put it in little baggies of 50 or 100 g each. Think of all the foods you REALLY enjoy that are also good for you - and concentrate on fitting them into a 1400 calorie or 1500 calorie per day diet for about a month - if you don't have any progress, then adjust down by 50 calories at a time till you hit that sweet spot.

    Please don't crush your own spirit trying to do this gross slim fast thing. It won't end well.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited May 2016
    I find in life I have a very addictive personality and for one I'm addicted to food. Sweet savoury you name it. If it's there I'll eat it.
    So starting from today I am trying a new technique.... Become addicted to controlling food. It's all or nothing. I've tried cutting down or eating healthier many times before but nothing seems to get through to my state of mind and I just give up after a few days. This lead me to slim fast. I'm taking out all option for self esteem and and am leaving myself no choice of what to eat. Slimfast for breakfast slimfast for lunch and a weight watchers meal for dinner. For the first 2 weeks I'm sticking to 900 calories per day to kick start weight loss then I'll up it to include snacks . Wish me luck in getting out of this miserable fat body. And please get in touch if you need a slimfast buddy xxxxx best of luck to you all
    I'm so sorry, but this sounds absolutely awful and miserable. Weight loss doesn't need to be kickstarted...and those skakes have horrible nutrition. Horible! Why are you starving yourself on 900 calories @gemmatomlinson85 ? What you're doing is only going to harm you! Fast weight loss is never the solution, ever. You'll be hungry, tired, sore, angry, sad, anxious, dizzy, and you most likely won't poop during that time, too... this plan will only lead to binging. why put yourself through all of that? You don't need to drop your calories so so low for weight loss. What I would do, if I were you, would be to find out what your maintenance calories would be and take 500 - 1000 calories off that. 1000 if you have more than 50lbs to lose.