Ugh, I just want this journey to be over already



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Thanks all for the encouraging words. I needed it.

    The stairs I climb each day is pretty varied. I live on a fourth floor walk up, and go up and down several times a day, often carrying stuff.

    I think what's really getting me down is that I'm socially isolating myself. I'm really afraid of social situations where I might be "exposed" for being in the terrible shape I'm in. I mean it's not surprising given my size, but it's super embarrassing to have a friend over and have her/him walk up my own stairs with me - the same stairs I climb multiple times a day - and I'm avoiding conversation or excusing myself to the bathroom or to get water because I don't want them to see me breathing hard.

    And it's not just the stairs. It's picnics, casual walks with friends, dancing, etc. I walk around feeling like I might be exposed. I'm afraid of being spontaneous.

    Just keep working at it.

    With regard to the stairs ...

    When I started climbing stairs, I could just barely manage the 5 flights to the floor where I worked and when I got there, I probably looked like I needed medical attention. I felt like I needed medical attention!! It was awful!

    However, I started doing those 5 flights 3 times a week ... then every day ... and after a few weeks I could make it up without too much gasping and wheezing. It had gone from so painful and horrible to something tolerable.

    Then I started doing it twice a day and that was so hard I had difficulty imagining doing more.

    But after a few weeks, I started doing it three times a day (15 flights a day). Again, really difficult for the first couple weeks.

    But then I discovered that a small group was climbing those stairs 5 times a day (25 flights a day) ... I could hardly imagine it, but I started doing 4 flights a day.

    About a year has passed and now I do 30-40 flights a day, and I can talk all the way through ... I'm not breathing that hard. :) In fact, I climb a full 11 flights in one go, and will even jog some of the flights now.

    It takes consistency and persistence.

  • jawillia
    jawillia Posts: 24 Member
    When the journey is over we are dead. Enjoy the journey.

    Yep! It's a lifelong journey. Even once you meet your goal, you still have to maintain, which takes equal parts work. I've done it before. I lost 60lbs and was 135 @ 5'7". I felt amazing, but now I'm at 211 after losing 15lbs. It's because I lost the weight so easily (very strict fad diet) which you cannot maintain and taught me nothing. This time I am looking at it as a lulifestyle change, learning how to cook healthy, finding healthy options even when out and also not restricting myself so that I binge. Good luck!!
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    Looking at your profile, it looks like you have about 75 pounds to go to reach your goal. At one pound per week (which I think is a reasonable goal) that's going to be 75 weeks, which is roughly 1.4 years. I'm figuring 1.4 years from now will be around October 2017. My point is, October 2017 is going to be there either way, you can start October 2017 at the weight you're at now (or more) assuming you give up, or you can be at your goal weight in October 2017. As others have said, it's a lifelong journey. Now...if I can follow my own advice I can do it too.