Preparing for Post-Empty Nesting Life

Hello everyone,

Not sure exactly how this works, but I'm hoping to make some connections here that will develop into a community of support. I know this sounds odd, but I don't think I've ever really come to terms with the fact that I have a "weight problem". I mean I know I've had some weight to lose, but I suppose I've always approached my weight issues as temporary, never really coming to terms with the fact that since I had my son (a whopping 8 years ago), I've struggled with my weight. It's difficult for me because I was always thin, and grew up in a "thin" family, and with heels and a nice poncho I could always somewhat 'mask' the full extent of my weight gain. But, now that I have finally decided to come to terms with my reality I recognize just how much weight has held me back...a day at the beach? I'm gripped with fear...a parade? The thought of wearing shorts terrifies me...I love winter because I can wear a coat and long sweaters (and ponchos). It saddens me how much my weight has held me back. So now I am faced with my son going away to college and I'm preparing for the second phase of my life, and I don't want excess weight to take up any more space in my brain...but I don't have confidence that I can pull this off (tried so many times and gotten close so many times). Anyway, this is probably too much information, so I'll stop for now. I'm looking forward to meeting some people online who can relate to at least a bit of what I've shared. I wish you all an abundance of good luck with your journeys!

