Is it just salt intake or is it fat?

Hello everyone, I have been faithfully putting in my food info for almost two months now. (Even the bad). My last weigh in, April 30, I was 166 and I was so happy I was finally losing weight! I just weighed myself again and I'm back to 170 pounds from where I started. I am so discouraged right now. At times I did over eat my calorie limit and had a lot of salt. Could this be the reason? Also I'm just getting off of my time of the month so could this play a key role? Please I just need some advice. Overweight and trying to make weight for the army but it's really hard. Thank you.


  • ummijaaz560
    ummijaaz560 Posts: 228 Member
    I peeked at your diary and you dont seems to be weighing all of your foods? Do you use a food scale and weigh in grams ? You also eat out a lot?

    Do you cook? You have a lot of prepackaged items in there, are you weighing these foods or just scanning the barcodes? Yes you're going to be bound by the sodium amounts in the fast foods you're eating.

    You also wont get an exact calorie count for these fast foods. If I were you I would cut out most of the fast foods.

    You may think you're sticking to your calorie goals but you dont really know how many calories you're eating, especially if you dont weigh your food. Tighten up your logging and you should see the weight loss.