Don't know how... just binged 5 dinners



  • lemonsquare6

    I meant no disrespect. There is ZERO reason to take what I said as an insult. Getting defensive only gives way to your insecurity.

    If you "feel binges" coming on, you admit to being "obsessed with food" and you find that you can't control yourself, MFP advice is not going to help you. In the end, you have to decide whether or not you want a healthier lifestyle and apply the general principles of it to your every day living. Restricting yourself to the point of insanity or eating like you've never seen food are CONCERNING BEHAVIORS that are better left to someone with experience in dealing with recovering ED. Nobody here can control it but yourself. If it isn't ED and you're using the wrong terminology to describe eating outside of your caloric budget too often, maybe it's time to re-analyze what your budget is. Are you eating according to your activity level?

    Find the balance, stick with it and see results.

    Good luck, OP.

    Too funny that BeverlyHills even suggests to allow the terrible nasty old' SATURATED FATS in someone struggling with food and weight in the forums now! GASP! Has she actually come around to the land of the logic??

    It is not about being defensive PepperWorm or a matter of being insulted. I understand you were trying to be helpful.

    The point is, I am past admitting I have a problem. I know I do and I finally came to terms with it to admit that it's more severe than I imagined. I have been working on a healthier lifestyle and I can say to myself I am happy with my achievement so far. I know I can do it without a doctor for now. Otherwise, I think it is important not to judge what advice helps me or doesnt.

    But I am still new and not as strong to hold on all the time during the process. Therefore I am on this forum to post and see if anyone else has gone through this and can provide some insight. Because I just don't have any support with this eating problem from anyone and I do feel very alone at times.

    I want to speak with you guys - because believe it or not some of you have said some amazing things that have helped me hold on for a month long. As much as it might not feel like it on the other end.

    Also to note, it is rude to tell someone their disorder is not one. This is why I even began to struggle with this in the first place. It took so long to admit I have a disorder. You assumed I binge outside of my caloric budget 'sometimes' as though I might need this amount anyway. I feel I need to justify myself. Is a binge not overeating to the point you feel sick? Eating with no control?

    Yesterday I had a whole box of crunch oat cereal clusters, half a block of cheese, parfait cup, half an apple pie, tuna cans, dried mangos, popcorn, chow mein, yogurt.. I don't even remember what else it's all a blur. All in one sitting for a span of 3 hours. I feel offended because yes, this happened only once yesterday in the last month but I used to do this days in a row for the entire day. I can imagine now you will think I definitely need to seek help.. but what I want you to understand is that I am beyond the point of this being a problem. I just had a set back yesterday and was looking for advice from those who are more experienced than myself.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206

    I meant no disrespect. There is ZERO reason to take what I said as an insult. Getting defensive only gives way to your insecurity.

    If you "feel binges" coming on, you admit to being "obsessed with food" and you find that you can't control yourself, MFP advice is not going to help you. In the end, you have to decide whether or not you want a healthier lifestyle and apply the general principles of it to your every day living. Restricting yourself to the point of insanity or eating like you've never seen food are CONCERNING BEHAVIORS that are better left to someone with experience in dealing with recovering ED. Nobody here can control it but yourself. If it isn't ED and you're using the wrong terminology to describe eating outside of your caloric budget too often, maybe it's time to re-analyze what your budget is. Are you eating according to your activity level?

    Find the balance, stick with it and see results.

    Good luck, OP.

    Too funny that BeverlyHills even suggests to allow the terrible nasty old' SATURATED FATS in someone struggling with food and weight in the forums now! GASP! Has she actually come around to the land of the logic??

    It is not about being defensive PepperWorm or a matter of being insulted. I understand you were trying to be helpful.

    The point is, I am past admitting I have a problem. I know I do and I finally came to terms with it to admit that it's more severe than I imagined. I have been working on a healthier lifestyle and I can say to myself I am happy with my achievement so far. I know I can do it without a doctor for now. Otherwise, I think it is important not to judge what advice helps me or doesnt.

    But I am still new and not as strong to hold on all the time during the process. Therefore I am on this forum to post and see if anyone else has gone through this and can provide some insight. Because I just don't have any support with this eating problem from anyone and I do feel very alone at times.

    I want to speak with you guys - because believe it or not some of you have said some amazing things that have helped me hold on for a month long. As much as it might not feel like it on the other end.

    Also to note, it is rude to tell someone their disorder is not one. This is why I even began to struggle with this in the first place. It took so long to admit I have a disorder. You assumed I binge outside of my caloric budget 'sometimes' as though I might need this amount anyway. I feel I need to justify myself. Is a binge not overeating to the point you feel sick? Eating with no control?

    Yesterday I had a whole box of crunch oat cereal clusters, half a block of cheese, parfait cup, half an apple pie, tuna cans, dried mangos, popcorn, chow mein, yogurt.. I don't even remember what else it's all a blur. All in one sitting for a span of 3 hours. I feel offended because yes, this happened only once yesterday in the last month but I used to do this days in a row for the entire day. I can imagine now you will think I definitely need to seek help.. but what I want you to understand is that I am beyond the point of this being a problem. I just had a set back yesterday and was looking for advice from those who are more experienced than myself.


    You misunderstood me. It didn't click for me that you had a CONFIRMED ED. You mentioned issues, but never the real deal...or if you did, I mistakenly didn't see it. We get a lot of the 'halp I binged! Eating disorder?!' posts which are just people with low budgets that go over by like 80 calories, thus mentioning it at all.

    I would *never* insinuate something that vile and low-down. Accept my apologies for that, please.

    As far as what I said about people claiming that I'm being rude for the suggestion of seeking help, I stand by that. Nobody is beyond help. You are completely entitled to seek out others who have been through/are going through what you have.