Goal #1 in the books!

Last year a local water park recently added a zipline. My daughter was thrilled and begged me to go on the zipline with her and I readily agreed. When I started to fill out the waiver the employee of the park asked me to step on the scale as there was a 250 lb weight limit. Not thinking anything of it I hopped on the scale....and found out I was 265 lbs!

It was the first time in my life that I exceeded the weight capacity on something (that I know of), and it was the first time that my weight kept me from doing something with my daughter. A real eye opener.

I vowed at that point that next year I would have weight down to a point that we could zipline together. I've tried losing weight in the past, either by joining the gym or eating so little I starved. In mid June of this year I stumbled across myfitnesspal.com and figured I'd try counting calories.

Well this week we went back to the park and went in to sign up for the zipline. This time the employee didn't even ask me to weigh in; but I did anyway. And I tipped the scales at a svelte 245 lbs! I'm happy to say that my daughter and I got to try the zipline. She wants to scrapbook it as one of our 'firsts' this summer.

With that goal out of the way I'm focusing on my next goal - 200 lbs....and maybe sky diving!