getting back on the horse

hi , i used this site last year with unreal susses losing a awesome amount of 41 pounds and went down to a weight of 224 pounds and i was so happy . but i put all the weight back on and ballooned up to 308.4 ponds , i rejoined this site 5 days ago and ever since have been kinda half doing the job , and for the last two days i was celebrating my school grad , how do i refined the motivation in witch i had tanks for any help :)


    MRbigGUYXXL Posts: 119 Member
  • StephanieStaffordMead
    StephanieStaffordMead Posts: 15 Member
    You need to remember what made you start last time, what was your motivation? Set some small attainable goals. Like say you will exercise 4 times a week or you will eat more veggies. You have to really want to make the changes too.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    There is no horse, or track or wagon - you have to make changes that you are willing and able to stick to, or else you'll just go back to your old habits, and reagain all you lost.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Maybe start by just weighing and logging what you eat, not trying to limit calories at first.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good luck to you as you once again embark on your weight loss voyage, Mr BigGuy! Keep at it, you're only beat when you quit.
  • ToriGabrielle
    ToriGabrielle Posts: 25 Member
    I did that too. Logged everything and had a huge amount of success. I kind of stopped caring and logging for the past couple of months and since the middle of March I've already put back on 10 lbs. But i'm getting back into it now. I've been over on my calories everyday that I have logged for the past week since I started again but at least I am logging (and seeing how much food is too much) and I have gotten back into a fairly solid work out routine. You just have to start doing it again. Remember how good it feels. Change your habits :) We can do it!
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Maybe start with a small deficit til you get back in the habit of logging and if you're like me once I start seeing losses that's all the motivation I need:) Plus checking in everyday and reading some success stories and possibly get in a group that checks in daily or weekly to help keep you on track:) Maybe a buddy irl that'll join you in your wl journey:)