Please help



  • haroldrios1692
    haroldrios1692 Posts: 90 Member
    What kind of cookies are we talking about here ?
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Oh my God you're going to hell. >:)>:)

    In all seriousness it's no big deal. It's called being human. I agree with the other posters just log it. By logging it you're being accountable to yourself. Remember this is a long-term Journey not a Sprint. By the way what kind of cookies were they? My preference is frozen thin mints from the Girl Scouts God they're good

    OODone wrote: »
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    I know how you feel, I broke down today and drank a beer. And like your cookies it tasted really good. Tomorrow is another day.

    There's always room for beer... always.

    Spoken with wisdom beyond your years.
  • Snicolej
    Snicolej Posts: 113 Member
    Log them and move on ! Just do your best to stay close to you daily allowance of calories I don't alway eat healthy but I do eat within my calories most of the time and I have had good results ! After all cookies are tasty ! Just ask yourself next time if you really need more than one ! And what do you want more a cookie or a goal !
  • Ant488
    Ant488 Posts: 372 Member
    At least it's not 10 cookies. Smile .
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    3 cookies is nothing. Log the calories and don't sweat it. As long as you don't go over your calories day after day you can blow it from time to time with little or no effect. Two weekends ago I had key lime pie and pecan pie along with *kitten*-tons of BBQ. Guess what. I managed to lose weigh this week and wasn't trying to. As long as you have adopted an exercise routine your body is just going to take the extra calories and give you energy. You'll work out harder and that'll be the only effect. When you're not doing any form of exercising and relying on diet alone to lose weight, it's more of a big deal, but still not if you don't repeat it on a regular basis. Eat the cookies. ;)