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What am I? Fat, chubby, or overweight?



  • Katlover12
    Katlover12 Posts: 19 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Katlover12 wrote: »
    Nachise wrote: »
    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound the world around. Muscle takes up less real estate than fat. Weight training will seriously help you. Gaining muscle will help to increase your metabolism and give you a true sense of empowerment.

    Hello Nachise. I didn't know muscle weigh about the same as fat. So it would mean I should change my muscle and fat ratio on my body. Anyone can do weight training even someone small? I wonder if I would be allowed in gym like the YMCA in my area. Everyone looks like an adult and normal average human. I am also scared of people seeing me working out.. D: I have been exercising in my room with DVDs and videos online.

    Of course the Y allows adults. Are you really 19? They allow people under 18 as well but I'm not familiar with the rules. At the last Y to which I belonged teenagers under age 18 had to take an orientation or something in order to use the weights.

    I suggest you join the Y and get a few sessions with a personal trainer. My old Y had a small group class "Women on Weights" that helped me get comfortable with all the weight lifting equipment in my gym and feel comfortable in any gym.

    I do know the YMCA allows adults. I just didn't know if I could fit in due to my appearances. Yes, As I read a post by frankiesgirlie, she says best to work on body weight exercising. If I can't support my own body weight then I likely couldn't handle weight lifting just yet. I will look into joining YMCA and getting a suggestion with a personal trainer. Thanks for replying and offering your thoughts.
    Of course the Y allows adults. Are you really 19? They allow people under 18 as well but I'm not familiar with the rules. At the last Y to which I belonged teenagers under age 18 had to take an orientation or something in order to use the weights.

    Profile says 20, given Katlover12 says she is 19 I would say she is likely to be under 18
    I'm 19 years old. As much as I wish I were that young, sadly it is not that case. I will be turning 20 this year. I don't like sharing a lot of information about myself so I prefer to talk little of my age. I made a mistake with my birthday and don't know how to change it now. Plus I can't seem to find a way to hide my age from my profile which is unfortunate.
    I also don't think you look overweight. I do believe that you need to make exercise your first priority over losing weight. When you start to feel stronger it will give you a body confidence that getting "skinny" just can't compare to.
    I don't agree that there is necessarily any thing wrong with you,when it comes to your lack of confidence in the look of your body as I remember having those same insecurities at your age. 19 is very young, you still have maturing to do. That will come naturally, especially if you become a regular exerciser.
    That insecurity about your body is something women of all ages struggle with at times.
    I believe that jumping right into weight training for someone that can't do a plank or push up isn't the right way to go.
    I recommend you start with body weight exercises. If you go on YouTube there is a girl about your size with free 30 day challenges you can sign up for. Her name is Betty Rocker. I'm sure if you see her you'll see what people are telling you about gaining muscle, She is small but tight, and makes working out fun.
    Once you have built the strength to do basic exercises such as planks, tricep dips, push ups, you can move on to lifting if you want later.
    Good luck to you with your goals, but you are already beautiful as you are.

    Hello frankiegirlie, I appreciate your reply to my thread. That is such a a great suggestion. It changed my way of thinking. It makes much more logical sense to work on body weight exercises before weight training. I thought I had to go into weight training/ lift training first. Yes, lack of confidence is kind of normal right. I would rather have lack of confidence than be lofty and self-centered. I am afraid of having too much confidence that I can't see anything around me. I hope that makes sense. I am looking her up and watching her videos now. Thank you for recommending her.

    Again, I am very happy to receive replies and responses to my post. I was confused about where I belong. I did research online in past and remember reading about skinny fat. I would say I am skinny fat. I guess it doesn't matter where I fit as long as I start changing my focus from losing weight to gaining muscles. I needed confirmation that I wasn't at least obese. I hear about how overweight and obesity is prevalent and common in US. My doctor did mention I had little muscle. Have a nice day or evening everyone.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Katlover12 wrote: »
    Yes, I would feel better when I can see changes. I did use BMI calculator online before. I don't feel it is the best way to measure body mass. Due to my short height, doesn't the BMI not work as well? Not many are this short so they don't have good standards for people around my height. I will aim for 5kg then instead of 9kg. Thank you for calculations and your knowledge.

    The BMI calculation is at it's MOST accurate from 4'10" to 5'2". It's based at a height of 5'0" and has a linear (increasing) rate of error as you get farther away from 5'0". So it's more accurate for you than it is for a woman of average height, and far more accurate than it is for a man of average height or taller.