I need advice about Meal times.



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1 - 1200 calories doesn't include exercise, so keep that in mind.
    2 - for me, lunch is the biggest meal.
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    On work days, I have 3 meals. Breakfast is around 300, lunch is closer to 500, and dinner is 300-500. The remaining of my calories goes to a couple snacks (one mid-morning and one before bed). Currently eating 1500-1800 depending on the day.

    When I don't work, I sleep in and eat a very heavy brunch, a snack, reg. size dinner, and another snack :).

    This is the routine that works best for my appetite, and it took a bit of playing around to figure it out. Everyone is different!
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    During the week I have my main meal at lunchtime, and a lighter dinner (normally) but at weekends it's reversed. I prefer to have my main meal at lunch and not go to bed on a full stomach, at the weekend I go to bed so much later so it doesn't really matter. Haha.

    I know that if I have a big dinner and weigh myself the next morning, I will likely have gained weight since the previous day (I weigh myself every morning) and as my weigh in recording day is on Mondays, that can demotivate me sometimes but I don't think it really makes a huge amount of difference. Just as long as you are aware of these things.
  • Alarae21
    Alarae21 Posts: 171 Member
    Weekdays, I get up at 6:30am but don't really start to eat anything until 10am, which is a protein shake. Having a shake means I can sip it often throughout the morning which helps my satiety. I got for a 30 minute walk at lunch and then eat at 1:30pm. I may have a small chocolate bar (<100 cals) at some point during the working day. I finish at 4:30pm, drive home, get ready and go to the gym for classes between 6-8pm. Come back, have a shower, make dinner and eventually eat between 9:30-10pm.

    Weekends are different. Saturday I don't eat until around 1pm as I go to the gym in the morning from 9:15am-12pm. Then I'll have a snack around 4ish if hungry then dinner around 7-8.

    Sunday is just whenever. No gym!

    I have no set eating pattern for every single day and I'm losing fine. More importantly, I eat when I'm hungry, not because a certain time says to.

    Find out what works best for you and your satiety. For instance, I would die of starvation from intermittent fasting but some people swear by it.
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    I just went through this thought process myself. Who made the gotta have breakfast rule? some days i'm not hungry until lunch so i might have a bar with my coffee or eat it a bit later then i have a decent lunch 4-500 calories, when i get home i have a cup of coffee and make dinner and i'll eat 500-600 calories and still have a snack at night. This works for me, others like the huge breakfast. But I had heard these "hard and fast rules" that had NO SCIENTIFIC basis. The diet industry and industrialisation of modern times (i.e. lunch break) are the ones that make people feel like they need to eat at specific times. You do you :smiley:

    And yes I totally agree with you! I've eaten breakfast every day on autopilot for nearly 30 years. Hungry or not. When I start d doing this plan I agreed only to eat when I am hungry, and on day one I pulled a bowl out of the cupboard and stopped and thought "hmmm.....am i actually hungry? No I'm not" so I had a cup of coffee and off I went. I've rarely eaten breakfast since. What I do notice is on the days I eat breakfast (normally at 6am) I am starving by 8:30, then again by 10:30 and I have lunch normally at 12. The days o don't eat breakfast I can easily go until lunchtime without being hungry, so it works for me, I eat less overall during the day and I don't care what the breakfast crew tell me, it's not gonna happen!!!!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,424 Member
    1hottwoman wrote: »
    I know everyone has there own thoughts on this topic but I am wanting some advice or just everyone's opinions. I want to know if you think having your bigger meal at lunch or dinner is better and why. I am trying to keep to my 1200 calories and loose weight and just need some help!

    Depends on you.
    I get hungrier later in the day. I eat a smaller breakfast (around 200 calories) at 8 AM and the rest of my calories from noon to 10 pm. My dinner is 500-600 calories typically. It has been working for me for over a year. My diary is public.
    Lunch and dinner are the meals I share with other people and when events are likely so it works out having more calories for those times of day.