hello everybody!

I'm new to this of course. my dr recommended for me to download this app, use it to its full potential, maintain a calorie intake for better results as far as weight loss. I've been particularly small my whole life, I had my daughter January of 2015, only a 14 lbs difference and I loved it. I decided to get the nexplanon birth control 5 months later & they say I've been on a "weight gain plateau" ever since but don't want to remove my birth control. I've reached 200lbs from never being over 140 so let's see what kind of change I can make ! I'd love some motivation & support


  • Darsi_Ajay
    Darsi_Ajay Posts: 28 Member
    i know how the newbie felt in MFP, because iam also came from Newbie, If you want any motivational help feel free to add me..