
Hi my name is Kikki and I have a this problem over compensating darn near everything in my life with food! I get depressed, what do I do? I am happy, what do I do? it seems to be a never ending cycle! my oldest son took his life almost 10 years ago, I turned to food and gained over 150 pounds. I have lost only about 50 of those and now have been on a stand still for 2 years. I have not gained, but I have also not lost. My problem is that I have massive nerve damage in both of my feet...not from diabetes, but surgery. I have not one here to support me, so if you need a friend to help cheer you on your way to a better lifestyle, I also need one too. Nice to find a place to come and have others who are here for the same thing.


  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    Sorry to hear about your son and your bad feet. You surely have come to the right place. Sending you a request.