Apply whatever you diet or exercise, your body fat percentage drops when you lose weight

Elvinjone Posts: 2 Member
19th by European physicians for the first time was mentioned when entering cellulite century. Sounded interesting from the medical literature was called by many names; some of these mesenchymal disease, cellulite and dermo-hipodermoz panniculosis. As you know, fat is found in varying degrees in many parts of the body. It forms a protective sheath primarily for organ and acts as an energy store. When you reduce your regular food intake, your body automatically begins to burn stored fat reserves. Low-calorie diet in many parts of the fat excreted, remain where cellulite phrases.

What is cellulite?
fat under the skin covering the muscles of oil. When you take in more calories makes you will spend to accumulate fat and oils but these disappear when you diet or exercise. Apply whatever you diet or exercise, your body fat percentage drops when you lose weight, but the rate of decline is not observed a measurable cellulite. This is because, confined to the dermal layer of fat causing cellulite and body is not to use these oils as a fuel. Most of the basic problems of other cellulite treatments, only fat in the connective tissue under the skin are forming a layer to target. This approach will not work, because in the dermal layer of fat that will not respond in the same way tedavilerek responding normal oil. oil in the deep substrate unfortunately will always remain in place. But the good news is that you can make them invisible with a few simple steps that you can apply every day. Cellulite occurs because most hormones. main cause of cellulite is the lack of men than women have less estrogen in the body. Another factor is heredity. If you have cellulite if your mother is likely to be in you as well. This hormonal and genetic factors, in some parts of the dermis leads to vision loss easier.

dermis, subcutaneous fat cells in the cellulite area is closer to the skin surface, because the dermis is damaged. tissue in women is less flexible than those in men, which is another factor that shows why due to age and environmental effects according to men they saw damage more quickly. Some of the reasons for the women's legs very easily rot and visible capillaries may occur. This indicates the presence of the weak vessel. In this case also form one of the main causes of cellulite. This condition may be caused by hormonal or genetic, but it certainly can be said that based on the evidence of reality. The dermis loses water while trying to survive this injury and weakened. When the dermis, which lies quietly beneath ultimately destroyed six oils form a remarkable start to take up the right way. The weak and dehydrated epidermis thins and takes a state cellulite can be seen from the surface. Cellulite and fat are not burning to get rid of the cracks, we need to focus on to repair the dermis and epidermişs. Cellulite is seen as more than a cosmetic problem. But also cellulite is a medical condition.