Happy Memorial Day

Tsartele Posts: 683 Member

Please remember what this holiday is about and the men and women who sacrificed their lives upon the alter of freedom. Hug a vet, thank a vet, enjoy times with your families and enjoy some good BBQ.



  • TylerMJ76
    TylerMJ76 Posts: 21 Member
    I love being scolded...
  • Tsartele
    Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
    Villae81 wrote: »
    Isn't memorial day this monday?

    It's memorial weekend but yes you are correct the official holiday is Monday..that is why I have Monday off. The sentiment remains the same
  • bootqueenmfp
    bootqueenmfp Posts: 1,773 Member
    Happy memorial day weekend!!!!! I'll def make sure to thank and hug veterans!!!!!
  • sharon11soto
    sharon11soto Posts: 1 Member
    Happy Memorial Day weekend! Near a local American Legion sits a sign that says
    '22 veterans a DAY commit suicide" I think this shows we forget our American Veterans. Make time to say Thank You
  • bubbajoe1066
    bubbajoe1066 Posts: 95 Member
    I'd like to give my deepest and sincerest thanks and appreciation to all the brave men and woman who serve or have served in the armed forces.... without their sacrifice we would live in a much different world.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,398 Member

    I'm quoting this for a reason.

    If you want to thank a veteran who is alive, there is a holiday for such appreciation to be given. In the US that is known as Veterans Day. I'm sure the vast majority of veterans would appreciate any such gestures, big or small.

    Memorial Day, known by other names and observed on differing days over the years, was observed in the US for another purpose. That purpose was solely to show respect and honor for those that died serving their country in the military. Any of us who returned home have the rest of our lives to deal with anything that military service contributed to. We got off easy.

    If you really want to do something this veteran would appreciate on Memorial Day, spend any energy you might have directed at me or any surviving veteran, and redirect that appreciation towards those that paid a much higher price. From something as simple as a moments thought, to visiting one of the memorials and paying tribute in person. There are over 1 million who can be thanked on this holiday, and they inspired many of us who served and returned.


    Above is the Field of Stars at the WWII Memorial in Washington DC. Each of those 4.048 stars represents 100 men killed or MIA from the war. In keeping with military tradition, the Field of Stars is located at the center of the memorial, as the center of a formal formation is considered the place of honor.

    There are similar memorials from big to small all over this country, and all over the world. to honor both US and troops from other countries. And if you ask me, regardless of which "side" they were on, who "won" or "lost", or anything else possibly skewed by the history, any person that willingly died for the cause of their country, right, wrong, or indifferent to that countries driving motivations, deserves more appreciation than those of us still around to talk about it.