
Any suggestions on pre workout, protein powder, supplements etc for women? I need more help now that I am lifting in the gym. I still can't lose this last 30 pounds it's mainly belly fat. I'm also trying to build muscle. Any suggestions are helpful :)


  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I doubt there really is much benefit to buying this kind of stuff marketed specifically for women rather than others. The skeptic in me wonders if you might just end up paying a tad more for the same old stuff in a different label. I use Myprotein Dynamo Lean, because a) I like all the flavours I've tried b) it mixes well with milk c) it's slightly lower calorie and less super sweet.

    That said, I also used to buy a Sci Mx one which was targeted at women, but I chose that for its higher iron content compared to the non-gender-specific version, because I'm chronically anaemic so every little helps.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    For protein powder just pick something you like the taste of. I like Fitmiss Delight and EAS AdvantEdge (replacement to EAS Lean15). The EAS powder is 15 grams per serving (100 cal) and Fitmiss is 16 (90 cal).
  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    I like Promasil Rivalus protein powder or Quest. The flavours of quest are really awesome... salted caramel!
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    I like the PhD range, whilst they do a women's range, I just get the regular because there's a peanut butter and chocolate flavour
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    There is no difference in the requirements of a protein powder, preworkout etc for men and for women. The difference purely comes down to what's in there, and does it suit your goals?

    Most ranges that I have found targeted towards women tend to be focused on fat loss and "toning" (which is just fat loss and muscle gain). The products targeted towards men usually focus on muscle gain, strength, size etc. Their respective ingredients / macro breakdown should reflect that. That's not to say it will, I personally think a lot of it is just marketing. Men are more likely to buy this sort of thing, they need to find ways of selling it to women. It doesn't need to be a gendered product, it is what it is and can suit multiple goals.

    If you want to find a decent supplement, IMO you should be looking at what they contain and not whether they are advertised towards a certain gender. There are plenty of different brands and ranges, all of which have very different calorie and macronutrient breakdown. Ignore the marketing, do some research (reviews from others are great too!) and focus on that. The only supplement I can think of that women may need more than men is Iron. If your Iron levels are fine already, this is a non-issue.

    My recommendation would be ON's Gold Standard 100% Whey for protein. It's the only one I've used for a long long time, and would fit in easily with a caloric deficit (as fat loss is a goal of yours) Plenty of flavours and great tasting too!

    As far as pre-workouts go, I don't really have too much of a preference. I don't use them a lot because it's easy to build up a tolerance (better to use them when really needed) but some I've used are NO-Xplode, 1MR and C4. I've never known any to be gender targeted, they're mostly just lots of caffeine and other stimulants (another reason not to take them too often)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Get the pink one lolz.