Not baby weight, not too busy with kids, no excuses!

kbcara Posts: 105 Member
That's me! Well actually I make lots of excuses but try not to! Single in my 30s. Social life is mainly drinking/eating out (which needs keeping a strong eye on). Exercise preferably in company - team sports, classes.

Would love some similar independent MFP 'friends' who are trying to change their habits of a lifetime (not crash dieting or body building) and we can motivate each other along...

Good luck all.


  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    sent a friends request
  • kbcara
    kbcara Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks - I can't be the only singleton on here can I?
  • 9thChakra
    9thChakra Posts: 141 Member
    I'm also continually working on changing habits and getting healthier. No kids either. I'll send a FR and if you would like to add me feel free. All the best to you. Here's what I wrote in my recent forum intro:

    Hello. I've been away from MFP for some time but I am back and want to start using it more frequently. If you would like, please read my profile to find out more about me.

    For now:

    -If you are someone who is interested in seeing what someone else is doing here, you are positive and you are not dependent on others for your happiness then you may want to consider following me.

    -I have opened my diary, profile and blog to the public for those that are curious as to what someone else does here on MFP.

    -I'm open to gaining "friends" who would like to follow my progress as little or as often as they want.

    -I am currently interested in using the MFP site as a tool in my journey with food and movement rather than as a social network and will likely rarely communicate with the "friends" I make.

    -When I do communicate I only post positive feedback.

    -If "friends" want to communicate with me I respectfully ask that they consider posting minimal positive feedback and not taking it personally if I don't reciprocate. (Like I stated above...not really here for the social network).

    Thanks so much for considering and have a great day!
