Lifestyle Change

I'm not here to diet I'm here as a lifestyle change.
I have always been into fitness and moderate healthy eating, whilst continuing to party and drink an excessive amounts of alcohol on a weekly basis. My job involved traveling the world on tight schedules, lack of sleep, parties and long working hours. My spare time was spent in the gym, cycling, running, on the beach or In a bar, these became prioties over eating.
I first became sick a couple of weeks before Christmas and in February of this year I was eventually diagnosed with pyloric spasm, alas my lifestyle of carefree traveling, minimal eating, excessive alcohol binging and gym obsession had eventually taken its toll on my body, and my mind.
My lifestyle had to change.
Unfortunately the first step was to leave my job, hopefully only on a temporary basis to adjust to my new lifestyle. I spent two months eating more healthier, cooking my own food started as the only solution to avoid throwing up. Eating slowly, sometimes taking two hours to eat a small meal has become a regular occurrence to my daily routines. Some days are just too painful to eat, and I can be layed up in bed or feeling so hungry but my body just can not process food.
I also joined juiceplus they provided me with the nutrients and proteins my body needed which I just couldn't give it, especially on the days I couldn't eat, it has been my lifesaver in so many ways!
In two months my weight went up from 37kilos to 44kilos, my muscle definition was the best it had been in years, I went from throwing up 3-5 times a day to around 3 times a week (this varies), my bowels started to become more normal and work more regularly, my fitness performance was peaking and I was had energy!!
I've never wanted to give up what I love and recently spent a month traveling around Thailand which was the best experiance! Some days were harder then others, I was sick more days then I would have been at home and I did loose 4 kilos, but it was a step forward into understanding what I can and can not do.
So I am continuing my lifestyle change and am looking forward to my unknown future :-)