just a general rant!!!!

xojox Posts: 187 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I lost approx 14lb before joining this site, and have lost 13lb since. My exercise is limited at the mo 'cause i'm still recovering from a nasty break to my ankle in feb.

However thanks to this site, my close friends and facebook friends i think i've been doing really well!!

So please explain why i've been asked 3 times!!!!! in the last few wks if i'm having another baby...:mad:

Don't you just want to punch some unthoughtful people!!!!!! i could just blame it on pregnancy hormones :devil: lol


  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    :frown: Whoa... sorry.
    There's something you never say to any woman unless she brings up the topic first. How do you even respond to that?
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    OMG that is just awful!! Try to use it to motivate yourself towards your goal. I once made the mistake of asking someone about the baby, but it was only because someone had told me she was pregant... she was not :( I will never make the mistake again about asking, even when I see someone who is clearly like 9 months pregnant, I ask someone else first to confirm!

    I had someone say something like that once to me b/c my shirt looked a bit like a pregnancy shirt... well I can assure you I never wore that again lol

    U deserve a good rant!
  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    Maybe you have a glow about you? :bigsmile:
  • samdu
    samdu Posts: 6 Member
    I think I'd just smile and ask "Why would you think that?" and let them squirm! But then I can be a bag about that kind of thing! I don't think that's EVER a safe question to ask - unless you can see the baby emerging at the time :) lol...
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    one of them was a lady at asda, who asked me if i should carry the buggy i was buying for my 2yr old in my condition!!

    I simply asked her what condition and watched her squirm lol x
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Ugh!! The dreaded question!! I hate that question!! That's the worst question you could ask a woman, or pretty close to the worst question!! I carry much of my weight in my tummy/hips and I look preggo if I don't suck it in a bit or try to hide my fat with clothes. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It hurts, I know. I do like how the one person that asked you that felt like an *kitten*. You have done pretty well for nursing an injury, keep up the good work! Use you're frustration with them as fuel to burn some calories. Anytime I get flustered ( for many random reasons) I take it out on exercise. *hugs* and good luck throughout your journey.
  • jeans4
    jeans4 Posts: 7
    i had saved my money to treat myself to a facial and a massage. as i was laying there, wrapped in warm sheets, getting ready to be pampered, the massuse says "so are you pregnant?" and i said , um, no, and tried to convince myself she asked everyone these same questions!! i should have asked for my money back and gotten right up off of that table, because there was no way i was going to be able to relax at that point. i spent the next few hours obsessing:mad:
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