Why are we losing weight?

Ajgeek1 Posts: 4 Member
I am losing weight to gain self confidence within myself. As a kid it wasn't easy I grew up with my sad hating me and not accepting me for what I chose to be. I was never athlectic. I was artisticly gifted. And because this hurt I ate through my feelings. I got the impression that if I wasn't in the world it wouldn't matter. I feel into a depression. Luckily my mom pulled me out and have me the gift of love and love me and cared for me the best way she could. I ate and ate until I became I 60lbs bigger. I went to lose weight because of I went to gain self confidence back and because I would like to got into old cloyhes. What's your story


  • kate141987
    kate141987 Posts: 513 Member
    Hi and thanks for sharing your story, I think being depressed you don't care much about anything so you don't care about what foods you eat etc. I used to suffer from depression and I know how hard it can be, but healthy eating and exercise are fantastic in battling it and keeping it away it boosts your confidence because you know your looking after your self.

    I stick to healthy eating and staying active because that's my happy place I feel the best when I'm watching what I'm eating and staying healthy, also I have a big bundle of clothes that I'd really like to fit back into lol I don't want to buy larger clothes (don't want to spend money on larger clothes that I don't plan on staying in ) want to get back to a size 10/12 im a 14 right now
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I started to lose weight because overweight people generally don't live as long as people who are at a more "correct" weight. Kinda want to be here for a while longer ;-)
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    I don't care much about weight loss; I care about living a healthy lifestyle, which for me includes lifting and eating right, which leads to losing weight (or maintaining at a good weight).

    I want to be active and backpacking well into my 60s, and that means getting and staying fit in my younger days.