Obese Hula Hooping



  • Noirmwah
    Noirmwah Posts: 2 Member

    A lot of people make the mistake of choosing to learn with the wrong sized and weight hoop.
    I first tried learning with a child's hula hoop and it was a nightmare because it was to light and too small in diameter.
    Basically when you're learning the bigger the hoop the better and it helps if it's heavier too.
    It should reach between your belly button and chest area when it is stood in front of you.
    Also if you turn in the direction you're hooping (so say you hoop clockwise turn clockwise) it makes the hoop spin slower and is easier to keep up.

    Just keep practising! You will get it eventually. Check out this lady for inspiration:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jsb5ijCgBmE
    She's a larger lady and she's really good!

    Hope some of these tips help you
    Have fun! :D
