I have never weighted this much before

mayita38 Posts: 1 Member
Hello everyone.
I am back to the wagon so to speak, I have tried a lot of diets in my life (and failed). Does not help that my lovely fiancé can eat a lot and lose weight. Anyway. Here I am again. 5'0" 38 yo and 175 pounds. It is really depressing.
I love to cook and have used this app in the past. Any tips you can give to realistically start this journey? I like to exercise and swim a lot but it is my food intake that really is out of control.
Thanks in advance.


  • Lauralou23mfp
    Lauralou23mfp Posts: 32 Member
    Hey I've got to that point where I've never weighed. As much as I currently do and starting tomorrow gonna start JM ripped in 30 and start eating loss and stopping boredom eating xxx
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    First of all realize that you're worth it. I guess what it simply comes down to is start doing what succeeded before it's a simple point of calorie management you eat less calories than your body requires and you'll lose the weight.

    As far as what you do just use the website it worked for me. It's just a matter of watching your caloric intake it's that simple and also realize that you have to want it plain and simple
  • ElphabaWeasley
    ElphabaWeasley Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! My name is Courtney and I am 19 years old and 5 feet tall. My highest weight was 190 pounds (that was on April 28) And I am already down almost 10 pounds with moderate exercise and calorie counting. I love to cook too and almost always eat at home. Feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like. I know from experience that it is much easier to stay on the wagon if you have some accountability buddies! Best of luck!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Here are my realistic tips.
    1. It's great that you swim and enjoy exercise, that is always a good healthy thing, but remember weight loss is done in the kitchen. I can't emphasize this enough. It's all about the correct calorie count.
    2. Take your time. It takes time to put the weight on and will take time to take it off.
    3. Do it in a way that you can keep up for the long term. If you have a hard time eating low carb for instance, then don't do low carb.
    4. Buy a food scale.
    5. Forgive yourself and simply carry on if you have a bad day.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    The reason most diets fail is because they aren't sustainable. I also tried every diet in the book and always ended up right back to where I started.
    For long term success, this has to be a lifestyle change. I couldn't imagine eating low carb for life. That wouldn't be a sustainable diet for me. Instead I learned portion control and moderation. Now I eat the food that I like but in the correct portions.
    I lost all my weight and have kept it off for three years now. All I had to do was realize that weight loss came down to calories.
    As long as you eat less then you burn, you will lose weight. Calories in calories out.
    For weight loss, you need a calorie deficit .
    Get yourself a food scale and learn how to weigh your solids and use measuring cups for your liquids.
    Learn how to log accurately .
    Once you consistently create a calorie deficit you will lose weight.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    Here are my realistic tips.
    1. It's great that you swim and enjoy exercise, that is always a good healthy thing, but remember weight loss is done in the kitchen. I can't emphasize this enough. It's all about the correct calorie count.
    2. Take your time. It takes time to put the weight on and will take time to take it off.
    3. Do it in a way that you can keep up for the long term. If you have a hard time eating low carb for instance, then don't do low carb.
    4. Buy a food scale.
    5. Forgive yourself and simply carry on if you have a bad day.

    All of this
  • Colt1835
    Colt1835 Posts: 447 Member
    It's all about calories in vs calories out. If anyone tries to tell you anything else, it's a lie.

    Unless you've gone more than a week without food, you don't know what hungry feels like.

    Beware the starvation mode myth, but obviously don't starve yourself. Always trust calories in vs calories out.

    If it's not water it has calories in it. Do not trust a zero calorie label. There is no such thing as a zero calorie food or drink 0 on a nutrition label means less than 5.

    If you have any medical problems, get off the forums and go see a doctor. There is a lot of misinformation on the internet and when you add a medical issue to that it can be very dangerous.

    Don't give up. You will have ups and downs and it will be a struggle at times, but you are worth it.
  • cesser1
    cesser1 Posts: 63 Member
    Put all your homecooked food on a plate before you serve it. That way you can weigh out your portion and then stick all the rest on your fiancé's plate. You will learn to eat smart in your own way, and there is a lot of delicious low calorie food out there. Make sure you cook things that you are happy with and find yummy, and your partner won't mind, as long as it is tasty food. Did you know that there is frozen yoghurt out there that is only 40 cals per scoop?
  • llourens216
    llourens216 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm in the same boat. I started my journey at 217lbs. I'm now down to 207 through the Banting lifestyle. It's a low carb high fat diet. I find it really easy to follow because it integrates with daily life so seamlessly. It's also really fun to look at and try all the recipes. It's like a strategy game! Good luck!
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    I had a similar story. Love to cook too. Input your recipes into the recipe builder :)
  • mysticwryter
    mysticwryter Posts: 111 Member
    Watch your portions. That's where you get caught up thinking that "well i'm working out so I can eat more." While that is true, you have to eat the right things at the right amount.
    Also if you are hungry out of boredom or just need to push through till an appropriate snack time or lunch/dinner, drink water.
    Water will fill you up, keep your hydrated, and it's calorie free. Drink more than 8 glasses a day and you'll start to see some changes. If you don't like the taste (I guess), spike it up with some lemons, mint, strawberries, etc. I especially like lemon, lime and cucumber.