Beating the slump - strategies for?

I have been very consistent with my fitness routine for a year, not missing a single assigned gym day. This has been BIG for me. But this morning when I went to the gym, I felt a total lack of motivation and just this major slump. I did 5 sets of 5 reps each of pull-up assists and dips and felt extremely light headed after that. At similar instances in the past I have typically switched to cardio for 15 - 20 mins and then called it a day. But today even that did not work for me, I just felt so spacey and deflated that I just came home, got ready and headed to work.

What are your strategies for beating the slump or overcoming a lack of motivation? For rejuvenating and coming back strong?

I would love to hear and learn.

Thanks in advance!


  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    change it up. do something that you rarely or never do.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    You may be under-eating. That small amount of exercise shouldn't be making you feel that way. Are you staying hydrated?

    How many calories a day are you eating, and how are you tracking your food and exercise needs?
  • pjoh127
    pjoh127 Posts: 25 Member
    Not sure about over or under eating, but I am working to reduce my body fat % and it has been slow!! I am 38, 5.4" and currently weigh 130 lbs. I have a Weight Gurus scale at home that shows my current BF % at 24.1. However every two weeks I work out with a trainer and his body fat scale (one of those handheld ones- I think the brand is Tanita) shows it at 30%. I don't know which one is correct, but this is the current state of affairs.

    I use MFP to count my macros for the past six months, my trainer had me adjust them to 50% protein, 30% fat and 20% carbs of total daily calorie intake goal which is currently at 1290 calories a day. I have never exceeded the protein goals (always at around 75% of my daily goal) but occasionally will exceed the fat or carbs. Never the total calorie intake though.

    What should I switch up to still continue to loose weight and body fat? I only want to loose 4lbs more, but I do want to drop more BF, is it possible? Need major support and motivation for that.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Music gets me through many a bad day :)
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    pjoh127 wrote: »
    I have a Weight Gurus scale at home that shows my current BF % at 24.1. However every two weeks I work out with a trainer and his body fat scale (one of those handheld ones- I think the brand is Tanita) shows it at 30%. I don't know which one is correct, but this is the current state of affairs.

    Both of these ways to measure body fat are inaccurate. Essentially they send a pulse of electricity through your body & depending on how long it takes to get back determines your "body fat." The readings can be influenced by your water retention, time of the month, humidity in the room, fluid intake, last time you peed... and the list goes on and on.

    You want to know your body fat %, get measured with calipers by a trainer who knows what they're doing.

    If you're feeling lightheaded while working out, that's not a slump. That's your body trying to tell you something. Namely: back off. Could be any number of things, and really only you can determine what it is. Could be you need more sleep, more protien, more food, less stress, a rest day, lower intensity. Again, the list could go on and on. Lightheadedness isn't something to be "powered through," it's your body trying to communicate something to you & you should take the time to listen & try to figure it out.