Back on the wagon

Hey all!
I am new to this thing and am super motivated to shed these pounds!
I'm pretty sure most of the weight gain is from medications and such, but it doesn't really matter where it came from. It's got to go! I don't have any room in my life for this much extra weight. I need to fit into my old clothes again, as my fat clothes aren't exactly flattering. I refuse to buy new clothes to fit this fat body of mine.
I lost 40 lbs about 3 years ago from being sick and then I gained that back, plus an additional 10 after I got off 3 of my meds. I am working with my doctors to get all of this figured out and until then, I WILL keep on track. I WILL exercise and go to frisbee every Thursday!
It's too easy to sit back and do nothing! I am not a fan of the easy way out of anything.
I will do this!!!

So, hello all and I look forward to reading your stories, too!


  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    FR this girl - she's awesome!
  • ThatOperaGirl
    ThatOperaGirl Posts: 138 Member
    Love your attitude! Sending you a friend request now :happy:
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    Welcome, can add me if you like :o)

    That goes for anyone else who wants to as well x
  • hickorycutie
    hickorycutie Posts: 210 Member
    I was on the wagon for awhile, i fell off the wagon and now im trying to climb back on.... feel free to add me... i love having friends to talk to and motivate!!!! We all are in this TOGETHER!!!!!!
  • Absolutely! We will hold each other accountable!
  • rox019
    rox019 Posts: 2
    Hi :) I absolutely love your motivation, and all the encouraging responses. I used to do WW, and then fell off the wagon, and recently discovered MFP. It seems awesome. That, and it's free.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Awesome Enthusiasm!

    I'm gonna send you a FR right now =)
  • missyrawien
    missyrawien Posts: 37 Member
    Great enthusiasm! I'm sending you a request, i need lots of people to keep me on track starting my diet again!