Anyone wanna lose 20-30 LBS! 6/2/2016

David988 Posts: 14 Member
Heya! My name is David, and I want to lose 20-30 LBs in 2 mouths! and I was hoping if anyone wanted to join me on my journey, I did it once before 2 years ago I was 265, 2 mouths pass and I was 229. so it is do able. I gain it all back in 2 years LMAO (to much junk food @_@) so I'm doing this again.

Feel free to add me, I will be doing Insanity mix with treadmill, and then later on p90x..
So lets get this started~ shall we lol


  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    Awesome! Yeah I can support you :) I'm looking to lose 22lbs, but more focused on bodyweight percentage. Good luck with insanity. I'll send a friend request, especially as you have an open diary and I like being nosey ;)