Lost motivation

I don't know what happened once I graduated college three weeks ago I lost my motivation. I came home and didn't go crazy crazy but I didn't stay on track like I did at school. I lost 17 pounds before my graduation which was my first goal and I reached it I was so happy I looked amazing and everything. But once I got back home I don't know if it was depression from leaving all of my friends or what but it wasn't good. I kind of am at a plateau not losing anything not really gaining anything. I want to give up because it's so hard but I don't want to at all I don't. I want to reach my next goal to lost weight before I go on vacation in August.

Please help I really don't want to give up I don't and I'm trying to motivate myself. I don't want to be over weight anymore and I hate being the 'big girl'


  • cloverleafcartridges
    cloverleafcartridges Posts: 12 Member
    Being in a different environment can be stressful on you. The good thing is you have a goal. You have a vacation coming up. The best thing for me is to take one day at a time. Don't let going off track for a time bum you out. It will happen. Losing weight is a life long journey. Hang in there, you know what you want now work for it. If you want you can add me as a friend.
  • KiwiKim25
    KiwiKim25 Posts: 61 Member
    Change is hard. You've just completed something you have been doing your entire life! (Congratulations!!) I know my first few months after graduation threw off all my good habits, as I tries to settle into a new pattern. Allow yourself that month to acclimate, and now plan how you'd like to see yourself. What activities do you want to do, what do you want to eat, what can you prepare advance? This is normal, and you can do it!! Enjoy your new life and let you healthy habits reform, becoming part of your new normal.
  • Kelleygirl79
    Kelleygirl79 Posts: 71 Member
    It kind of sounds like you used these big events in your life as a springboard to lose weight. Now that the events are over.... You've lost your motivation.

    And that's the problem with "motivation", it doesn't have staying power!

    You need to change your mind. What I mean by that is you need to change the way you think about your eating habits and the impact they have on your weight... And your life.

    You don't want to be the "big girl"? Then don't be. Nail down your eating plan and your calorie goals. Discover foods and meals you TOTALLY love and incorporate them EVERY DAY. Find out how MUCH you can eat to lose weight and make that your new life.

    After all, you ARE starting your whole new life after your education! Why not start it armed at a healthy normal weight and push ahead with confidence?!

    I wish you the best...!!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    You graduated, now get out there and get noticed. There's a name for people who apply on-line. Unemployed.