Been here before and doing it again


Right in november 2013 i decided i wanted lose weight, by december 2014 i had lost 6st 9lb then i found out i was pregnant.. my lb is now 9 months old and im getting married march 2017 so really wanna lose to some weight and look good in a bikini ( doin it in style in vagas ) anyways before i used to love the gym and classes i would go 6 days a week easy now i cant, i work nights and have my baby during the day ( yes i am always tired ) i walk the mile to work everyday but i dont walk home ( due to time location its a tad rough lol )
Any tips on how to squeeze in exercise i enjoy walking and yoga mainly

Thank you :)


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    Any activity is better than the alternative.
    Could you walk with your baby stroller ? I have friends who take their baby outdoors for an hour. Mom walks and the baby is in the stroller.
    If weather is not good for outdoor walk, take the baby to the nearest covered shopping mall.
    Last note, exercise is for fitness and health.
    Eating at a deficit is for decreasing your body weight.
    Good luck in your healthy journey