Big weight loss

I am a 35 year old female I am looking for some support. I have 100 pounds to loose well I have more then that but my goal right now is 100. I do really good for the first month then I don't see a big change in the scale and get so frustrated and get depressed and go back to the old way of eating. At times I can be a binge eater. I hate being so addicted to food. I have a few medical problems I have low thyroid so I take medication for that. I have PCOS which with both of them loosing weight is already a challenge. I also was diagnosed 5 years ago with the rheumatoid arthritis and take medication for that. I am just looking for some good support to keep me grounded for this life style change. I know there is so many new diets out there these days. I have just been watching my portions and calories really not cutting out any certain food but my sweets. Which is hard in its self. I have been trying to stay away from processed food sticking with whole foods. It just gets hard at times when you feel like your ALONE


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Read the sticky messages in the discussions to learn all the details. Log all your food. Weigh all your food with a digital scale. Exercise some. This is easy.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited June 2016
    I am a 35 year old female I am looking for some support. I have 100 pounds to loose well I have more then that but my goal right now is 100. I do really good for the first month then I don't see a big change in the scale and get so frustrated and get depressed and go back to the old way of eating. At times I can be a binge eater. I hate being so addicted to food. I have a few medical problems I have low thyroid so I take medication for that. I have PCOS which with both of them loosing weight is already a challenge. I also was diagnosed 5 years ago with the rheumatoid arthritis and take medication for that. I am just looking for some good support to keep me grounded for this life style change. I know there is so many new diets out there these days. I have just been watching my portions and calories really not cutting out any certain food but my sweets. Which is hard in its self. I have been trying to stay away from processed food sticking with whole foods. It just gets hard at times when you feel like your ALONE

    Very supportive friendly group, might check it out. Support makes a world of difference, it just does! :smiley:
    Welcome to MFP!

    Edited: I agree with everything Barry said... except I don't agree with it being easy. lol Simple? Absolutely... easy, no or we'd all be at our goal and in maintenance.

    But I will say using MFP I don't find it hard like on my own in the past... it's like MFP is a road map and doing the steps Barry shared up above are the keys to the map. It really is that simple! :wink:
  • nursecasg
    nursecasg Posts: 123 Member
    I am like that in the beginning. If I step on the scale now, and don't see a weight loss, I tell myself to hold on and keep going. I have learned to trust the process, that weight loss WILL occur, maybe not when I want it to though.