23 years old and a new mommy: Need friends! :)

Just had my cute baby boy in April! Now that I've been cleared to exercise I have quite the weight to lose! I've done it on here before and lost 42 pounds back in the day, however, I sadly put it back on and then some! Feel free to add me so we can support each other.


  • Rebekah_89
    Rebekah_89 Posts: 61 Member
    Hello. I just had a baby too in March. I'm very desperate to lose this 20lbs. I need motivation. I will gladly be your friend as I am very determined to get this weight off and gain my confidence and sexy back. I needed a boost so I ordered Herbalife. Waiting to get it through the mail.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I have a 3 year old - feel free to add me!
  • Thelmaaa1990
    Thelmaaa1990 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! My baby just turned 1 year old and I definitely want my old prebaby weight back. I used to be 130 and I currently weigh 170...feel free to add me! :)
  • Rebekahl87
    Rebekahl87 Posts: 95 Member
    Congrats on your new family member! My baby's 4 now, but I understand what it can be like to try to lose weight post-pregnancy. I've sent you a friend request. We all need a little support and encouragement, and us mamas need to stick together! :)
  • arielbwarren
    arielbwarren Posts: 1 Member
    I just had a baby in March also. I've been using MyFitnessPal for 25 days now and am now below my prepregnancy weight by 5 lbs. I still want to lose 5 more though. I will definitely be your friend too. The last 5 lbs pounds are always the hardest and I would love some motivation. :) This is becoming the babies club. My baby is a little boy and my first.
  • michellediaz2409
    michellediaz2409 Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 2016
    Congrats on your new baby! I'm new to this too my baby is 10months and I'm just starting my diet. My pre baby weight was 117 and I'm trying to go back to it. I was 137 13 days ago now I'm 131. Feel free to add me
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    I had a baby a year ago and am still trying to lose weight. I need more friends for motivation. Feel free to add me!
  • weightliftingbarbie
    weightliftingbarbie Posts: 156 Member
    Hi I had my son end of March :) add me if u want x