A New Start

I've been feeling unhappy and unhealthy for a really long time and I always try to make a change for myself and it never happens so this time im really here for a change and I really need all the motivation I can get! So any friend request I get I'll accept and we can be here I motivate each other! So here I go on my new journey!'


  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    you can add me if you like. I have been MFPing for several years and find that every day is a back on the wagon kind of day.
  • Voluptuous_Kelly
    Voluptuous_Kelly Posts: 3 Member
    Goodluck JamieJam34. I would love to friend request you so we can motivate each other, I can relate to all that you have said, but I don't know how to friend request!!!