Breaking through my plateau

First time posting on the forum, but I've been using the app for 158 days now and I feel like I've hit a plateau, and I'm not sure how to break through. I'll give you the stats I have, and if any more would be helpful I'd gladly post those as well.

I'm 6'1" 35yo male. A Dr visit on Jan 7th placed me at 268 pounds. I weigh myself every Friday morning (brand new scale in Feb), and as of Jun 14th I'm at 214. I'm thrilled with the weight loss. MyFitnessPal has my goal calories at 1510, and my net of exercise average for the past 50 days is 1368. I log everything I eat, each day. I log all my excercise which is either walking or an elliptical trainer. My cardio work comes in between 250 and 400 calories per workout, and probably 3-4 workouts per day.

Fridays and Saturdays are typical "cheat" days, where calories run up to around 2800 calories and can include 3-4 beers. Those cheat days are included in the 50 day average stated above as 1368.

The only thing I've changed in the 4 weeks since I've lost a pound is the addition of some moderate lifting. 2-3 days a week I do 3 sets of curls, 3 sets of overhead press, 3 sets of bench press, and 3 sets of tricep press. 4-5 days a week I do ab work including 3 sets of 20 crunch, 3 sets of 20 alternating side crunch, 3 sets of 20 leg extensions, 20 sec plank, and 20 sec side plank on both sides.

I'm seeing results in my arms and upper abs, but my lower abs are covered by fat that I can't seem to burn through. I'm guessing that getting down to around 205 would remove that fat and I'd have a flat stomach.

Any feedback on my activity is greatly appreciated. Any ideas on how to change up my routine are appreciated as well.



  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Eat more, lift heavy, protein.

    Congratulations on your loss. Time to move to a new phase.
  • ascends831
    ascends831 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm no expert, but are you over training? Maybe your body needs more rest? That is a lot of exercise and if you are also stressed you may have some fat storing hormones turned up high. I'd give a little time up working out, or just less intensity like power walk for 40min of whatever you are doing that's burning 400 calories. Maybe 2 workouts a day 4 days a week and 1 work out for the other day and REST:)

    If you added more training and stopped losing that is a good indicator your over training. Also as you get smaller you may not be able to lose weight fast and drink beers while eating 2 days worth of foods on the weekends. SO sad but true.

    Good work so far though!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Eat more, lift heavy, protein.

    Congratulations on your loss. Time to move to a new phase.

    Yea, this, seems like you're not eating enough, especially at your weight. Lift heavy 5 or 6 days a week, eat a ton of protein (shoot for 175g a day), eat plenty of fat (minimum 85g a day). Don't be concerned about your scale weight, especially if you start lifting, instead use your body fat percentage and the mirror as an indicator.
  • sarm1977
    sarm1977 Posts: 9
    I guess I didn't see this until I read through these 3 replies, but I guess I have to rethink my goals.

    Is the goal of a number on the scale what I'm shooting for?

    Should my goal be satisfaction with what I see in the mirror?

    Maybe I should take some measurements, and start using those as my goals. Honestly I'm pretty satisfied with 214 as a number because I have a pretty wide frame. Old clothes are falling off me, and my fitness level is twice what it was 6mos ago.

    I guess it's time to rethink my goals.