Inches lost - weight going up?

I know it's probably muscle - but I was shocked to have done my weigh in and be 7 pounds heavier than I was a month ago.
I've lost roughly an inch and a half in various places over my body, so I'm just curious as to when the scale will start showing results as well?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Did you start working out or change your workout routine a month ago as well?
    If so, I bet you have some water retention going on for muscle repair. It will probably start coming off in a week or 2.

    You also might want to double check your logging. Make sure you are using accurate database entries and if you aren't already you might want to start weighing your food on a food scale for more accurate logging.
  • michaeltermini
    michaeltermini Posts: 17 Member
    Losing inches while gaining weight to me is a good thing. I'd strongly lean towards you're growing muscle while trimming fat so keep it up.