This may sound stupid but About 6 months ago i stopped smoking and started running.. however , yesterday I slipped and smoked a pack :( will this have a permanent effect on my healthy? Will I be able to run the same tomorrow ? I am really worried and scared


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Do not panic.. there is no need for alarms or to call 911 ..

    You may not run the same.. but you can run, it will not ruin your health for one slip up.. I bet you may have some breathing issues in your run.. your lungs need to clear it self out of the gunk..

    Give it few days.. you will get back your lung function..
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    You'll probably feel it in your runs for a few days, especially if you smoked the whole pack, but it will clear up and the effects will go away, much like they did when you quit 6 months ago.
  • healthy491
    healthy491 Posts: 384 Member
    Thank you both :) ! Really appreciate your help
  • professorhuggins
    professorhuggins Posts: 72 Member
    I used to smoke cigars and the first time I smoked one after training for half marathons, I was astonished at how much my lungs burned. Run anyways, it will serve as a reminder of why you quit! Don't be surprised when it's quite a bit harder, but it will iron itself out over the next few runs.
  • ziggy2006
    ziggy2006 Posts: 255 Member
    healthy491 wrote: »
    yesterday I slipped and smoked a pack :(

    I was listening to some doctors discussing smoking cessation on the radio, and they noted that with alcoholics and drug users, it is expected that they can have occasional slip-ups and still be successful. Yet quitting smoking is viewed somewhat differently - if you slip up and have a cigarette (or pack), it is viewed as a complete failure, that your addiction to smoking is too strong to be overcome.

    They also noted the lack of support groups for people who are in the process of quitting smoking. I wonder if any online support groups might be available that could help you through this process?

    Accept your imperfections, forgive yourself, figure out what you could do differently next time, and move on by going on your run as scheduled. Let us know how it goes!

  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    ziggy2006 wrote: »
    healthy491 wrote: »
    yesterday I slipped and smoked a pack :(

    I was listening to some doctors discussing smoking cessation on the radio, and they noted that with alcoholics and drug users, it is expected that they can have occasional slip-ups and still be successful. Yet quitting smoking is viewed somewhat differently - if you slip up and have a cigarette (or pack), it is viewed as a complete failure, that your addiction to smoking is too strong to be overcome.

    In my personal experience, this is BS. I quit smoking cold turkey over three years ago (when I started exercising and living a healthier lifestyle). Within the first year of quitting, there were two or three times since then where I was going through really stressful and bad times, so I slipped up and bought a pack, smoked a few from that pack, then realized it's not helping me and threw the pack away. It's been two years since I've had a cigarette at all and I don't have any desire for one. When I smell cigarette smoke it makes me feel ill.
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    ziggy2006 wrote: »
    healthy491 wrote: »
    yesterday I slipped and smoked a pack :(

    They also noted the lack of support groups for people who are in the process of quitting smoking.

    Omg, this is so true! I need an AA like group. They increase the prices, outlaw smoking in public, and preach how dangerous smoking is, but there's no help out there :(
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    It's not 'stupid'. I can guess that you were in a situation that triggered the expectation that you would fire up a stick. I can also guess that when you started your day you did not have and did not plan to get a pack of cigarettes. Figure this out. Is it possible to avoid that situation? Is it possible to overcome it? You can breathe clean.
  • jessiethe3rd
    jessiethe3rd Posts: 239 Member
    I smoked and ran for a long time. I didnt want to kick the habit... You will be fine. When you are ready get yourself a patch and try again. It takes 7-8+ attempta to quit so don't get too down on yourself.
  • healthy491
    healthy491 Posts: 384 Member
    Hey :) thanks all for your help ! Just to let you know , i ran normally :) just have a bit of a sore throat but I am fine .
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I've slipped up here and there as well, and have had those same panicky feelings of "omg did I just lose all the progress I made?" After a few instances like that, it's actually helped me to stay quit because I'm just so sick of those panicky moments- they're just not worth it!