Strength Training and Dieting Change Difficulties

My name is Erin and I've been strength training with a local gym for just over a year. Unfortunately, I'm. Not as consist at as if like to be about going to class but I still LOVE lifting weights and try to go at least twice a week. I keep track of my gains and try to get a little better every time.

While I've noticed some body changes (i.e. Shirts from last summer don't fit the change in my shoulders this summer ;) ) I haven't seen changes is like to see. I feel as though muscle is building on top of what I had before as opposed to replacing what I'd like to lose and my pants are uncomfortably tight and I know there are abs somewhere under my stomach.

I know that alcohol and poor snack choices are a big problem. I snack on anything that's around and often consume pass the point of feeling full. I also need to find more foods that will help give me energy.

What type of diet changes can I make to best support my gym activity and still satiate my appetite?


  • AndrewD315
    AndrewD315 Posts: 57 Member
    Log all food for sure. Cutting cals to loose fat and show gains. Go surplus to bulk and put on muscle. Spot reducing just not going to happen. It's a slow process but worth the while. Gym work is great and keep it up, but your food intake you get you where you want to be. Keep up the great work!
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    Without more info, it's hard to say, but my first inclination is to increase protein. Also, if you're consistently going over your calorie goal (can't really tell from what you posted, but I'm guessing you are from your snacking comment), you're likely building muscle rather than losing fat. Tighten up your food intake, and you should see the result you're going for :)

    PS: nice rounded shoulder boulders are hot if you ask me. Lol. Congrats on the work you've put in!
  • leslietherrien102
    leslietherrien102 Posts: 11 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hey there. I seem to be facing similar challenges! Alcohol and snacks are the devil to me
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Just to reiterate-

    Sounds like you are eating slightly over your maintenance, good for building muscle.
    Maybe now is the time to either-
    put your calorie goal into 'maintenance' and strictly adhere to it concentrating on protein first, muscle retention/slow growth, fat second, and filling the gap with carbs. A recomp is very slow and will take a while to see any results.

    put your calorie goal into a slight deficit .5-1 lbs, continue lifting, same type of calorie breakdown, knowing any progression will be slow, and lose the fat to reveal more of your muscle and resculpt your body. A cut will give you faster results.

    Weigh your food with a digital food scale and treat your protein goal as a minimum.

    Cheers, h.