In need of help

I'm in need of help. I may sound too picky for any one to help me but I'll gladly appreciate any advice I can get.
My goal is to lose 35-40 lbs. I need to also get rid of the trouble areas around my waist,hips,and thighs.
Concerns:My husband and I are actively trying for a baby and I have read that if you do too much strenuous exercise it can actually hurt your fertility. I am also a picky eater. I have a gym membership and I'm willing to workout 4 days a week for 30 mins a day. My job is so busy it is impossible to eat 6 small meals a day so I do good to get in 2 meals and I only have 30 mins for lunch at work. Because I get off late after gym and work my dinner is usually about 7 pm. My portions and cals are ok but my sugar intake is horrible. I have a real bad sweet tooth. Can someone please help me? Anyone? I'll answer any questions or if I need to clarify I can. Thanks in advance for reading mylking rambly post


  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Don't make this hard for yourself:
    - set up your goals with a small deficit (eg .5 lb per week),
    - eat food that you like and that fits into your calorie goal.
    - eat when it fits into your schedule.
    - look for alternative snacks instead of the sweet stuff, and try to change your habits around when/how you eat them
    - Exercise when you can

    And talk to your doctor about diet, exercise and fertility - I'm not an expert here but I suspect that generally healthy eating and exercising in moderation is probably a good thing in this situation.

    In other words, make small healthy changes, don't go to extremes.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Throw out just about everything you said in your OP. Meal timing not necessary, meals per day for personal preference only and sugar is okay unless you are having copious amounts which is makes it harder to be in a deficit. It is all about the calorie intake and the exercise is for health. Did your doctor tell you to ease back on the exercise to get pregnant?
  • ammo7
    ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm in need of help. I may sound too picky for any one to help me but I'll gladly appreciate any advice I can get.
    My goal is to lose 35-40 lbs. I need to also get rid of the trouble areas around my waist,hips,and thighs.
    Concerns:My husband and I are actively trying for a baby and I have read that if you do too much strenuous exercise it can actually hurt your fertility. I am also a picky eater. I have a gym membership and I'm willing to workout 4 days a week for 30 mins a day. My job is so busy it is impossible to eat 6 small meals a day so I do good to get in 2 meals and I only have 30 mins for lunch at work. Because I get off late after gym and work my dinner is usually about 7 pm. My portions and cals are ok but my sugar intake is horrible. I have a real bad sweet tooth. Can someone please help me? Anyone? I'll answer any questions or if I need to clarify I can. Thanks in advance for reading mylking rambly post

    All that is needed for weight loss is to be in a calorie deficit. This means that as long as you eat less calories than your body burns, you will lose weight. You can earn yourself some extra calories by working out, if you like. But you can still absolutely lose weight without working out. It doesn't matter if you are a picky eater, or what time you eat, etc, it's all personal preference.

    As long as you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hello :)

    Your post doesn't sound rambly to me at all. :)

    To lose weight all you need to do is eat less than you burn (you probably know this already). It does not matter what you eat, when you eat it or whether you exercise at all.
    All you have to do is input your personal data in MFP here, set your goals and then eat at or around the goal MFP gives you each day. To do the latter you need to weigh all your food with a digital scale (eye balling and estimating doesn't work for more than 90% of people) and then log it in the diary here every day - even on your bad days.

    If you do the above you will lose your 40lbs for sure! :)

    *edited a typo
  • sandeegriffin
    sandeegriffin Posts: 54 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Throw out just about everything you said in your OP. Meal timing not necessary, meals per day for personal preference only and sugar is okay unless you are having copious amounts which is makes it harder to be in a deficit. It is all about the calorie intake and the exercise is for health. Did your doctor tell you to ease back on the exercise to get pregnant?

    Yes my Dr said that once I hit my "fertile window" I can only do moderate exercises
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Then I would listen to your doctor.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    I am not a doctor - so do not take what I am about to say for truth. But maybe check in with your doctor about this.
    As far as I know some women might lose their period if they go on a very restrictive diet. So it occurred to me that the reason might be that some overall hormonal disbalance is taking place. So I just thought that it might affect your fertility if your calorie restriction is too aggressive. But I might be completely wrong about it. Still if you get the opportunity check this out with your doctor.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,718 Member
    I agree that eating sugar won't prevent you losing weight, as long as you stay in calorie deficit. But if you find that sugar calories are too much displacing more nutritious foods in your eating, then consider trying to eat more fruit as a strategy to reduce cravings for less nutritionally valuable sweet foods. This helps some people - it did me. I went for 3 servings a day at first.

    Some fruits are also very portable and quick to eat, which might help with your short lunch break at work. For example, an apple is quite filling, and tasty with a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter, if you like that.