New to stronglifts

Notaphase Posts: 81 Member
Hey there,
I've been really inspired by all these success stories! Whenever I want to munch on something I look at before and after pics instead. I've been doing light cardio for years and I've never seen a difference. I've finally downloaded a 5x5 app, watched the training videos and I'm ready to start lifting tomorrow! I hope this will finally get rid of the second butt I've been growing :) wish me luck!
Just fire clarification, people keep writing that they're eating under a deficit. Does that mean less than what MF suggests or what MF suggests when you say you want to lose weight? My suggested calories for the day are 1600 and I don't know how I'd manage less than that.


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    MFP gives you your deficit. If you put in you want to lose, that's how much you eat. You can that add in any cardio training you do and eat a portion of those calories burned as well, to still be in a deficit.

    Good luck with 5x5. It's a great program :)
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    If you input your stats to lose, you can eat what MFP says. How did you do your settings? To lose, maintain, or gain?
  • Notaphase
    Notaphase Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for the clarification. My settings for MFP are to lose a pound a week so that means that if I'm sticking to the 1600 limit they gave me I'm eating at a deficit. Got it :)