Bev Starting Over

Servannes Posts: 15 Member

I was seeing a nutritionist and lost one pound a week for 42 weeks. I was also exercising. One day, I just didn't want to exercise anymore. I started watching more TV and then came the chips and ice cream. I gained the weight back slowly but developed back pains. My doctor told me that if I loss 20 pounds, that would cure my back pains. I tried to do some crash diets (cabbage soup, GM, slimfast, etc). I can't last more than a day on these diets.

I decided to eat healthy foods that I like, but can't control my portions at the moment. Instead of one cup of cooked oatmeal, I have 3, but I haven't needed candy bars or cookies to tide me over. I'm eating large salads (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and very little chicken), and baked chicken and fish which I love for lunch and dinner. My snacks are watermelon, apples, strawberries and pineapples. I drink lots of water. I added cucumber and lemon so it's like a refreshing drink throughout the day.

I somehow lost three pounds eating like that without exercising. My back feels much better, but I need to control my portions and get motivated to exercise again.

Can someone tell me if they have hit a wall like this in terms of not being able to control portions and not wanting to exercise. What techniques did you use to get back on track. I know this is a long introduction, but I need help.



  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Sure. I have periods of letting go of very much exercise and then I realize that my energy and well-being suffer, so I get back to it. However, logging consistently has kept my portions in control. I do not want to see that number in red. Just remember that food control is for weight loss, exercise is for health and fitness. Lots of people lose weight with little exercise.