What is the least amount of calories I can eat?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Without screwing up my digestive system and everything? People have said 1200 but I've seen grown men on diet makeover shows only eat 1000. If a big man of, like, 300 pounds can eat 1000 calories then surely I can survive on 600?

    Female, 21 years old
    150 lbs

    I have been losing anywhere from 1 to 1.5 pounds a week and did that at 1800 calories a day. Now that I have decided to hold this weight for a while before the final push to my goal I have added 300 or so calories a day. That works for me as a male 5'8" That can easily be a Duncan Donut, They have some that are 260 calories and 270 calories such as the French Cruller, Glazed Donut and the 270 Jelly Donut or I can add a couple of pieces of extra fruit to the three a day I do eat.

    I would think that at 600 calories You will be cannibalizing muscle tissue ahead of fat.

    FWIW I have seen on the Internet that most of the Pounds lost on that TV show is quickly regained with some extra. They never learned healthy eating habits and so once they are done they slip right back into what they were doing not having learned how to eat healthy.

    It is my opinion that losing more than 1.5 to 2 pounds a week needs weekly supervision and blood chemistry monitoring by a doctor.

    Good Luck
    Roger 220 pounds less weight than 2.5 years ago and yes I did it over a two year period and have been maintaining since February :)
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    how active are you?

    your level of activity also matters, the more active you are the more you will need

    according to one BMR calculator, with your details

    BMR = 1462 Calories/day

    this is presuming that you are sat doing nothing all day

    To lose 1 pound, or 0.5kg per week, you will need to shave 500 calories from your daily menu.

    but as others have said, unless you seeing a specialist and they have said to go under 1200 I would not go under