Looking for breakfast ideas not egg/oatmeal related.

I am looking for breakfast ideas that are not eggs or oatmeal related.

Eggs in the morning send me to the bathroom and I get a bad crash when I eat oatmeal for breakfast.



  • jmaidan
    jmaidan Posts: 93 Member
    I often have toast with honey and a greek yogurt with some berries or other fruit.
  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    My stomach hurts every time I eat eggs. Stinks because I like them. I've been making a can of tuna, a little mustard and mayo and two dill pickles chopped. I might add some green onions. I eat it plain or over a bed of shredded lettuce. I love it and it fills me up to lunch. Only about 200 calories depending on the amount of mayo I use.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Greek yogurt parfait - yogurt, berries, Fiber One cereal & a few chopped nuts. Protein, fat & fiber all rolled into 1.

    Plain oatmeal doesn't do it for me either.....I make it with milk (for protein) and add chopped nuts (for fat). Only then does it stick with me until lunch.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Turkey sandwich.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    2 slices of grainy bread with peanut butter. Then either a protein shake with banana or greek yogurt and fruit
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Peanut butter sandwich- my breakfast of choice most mornings.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I like a protein shake with some cheese and a piece of fruit. Yogurt with fruit and some granola. Peanut butter on toast with fruit. Turkey sausage and cheese on a whole wheat tortilla.

    Breakfast doesn't have to be breakfast food. Have a turkey & cheese roll up or some other kind of lunch item. Good luck!
  • shanna_wainwright
    shanna_wainwright Posts: 35 Member
    I tend to eat dry cereal and a banana- and coffee!
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    Finger-sized pieces of sashimi with a sliver of pickled ginger, a smear of wasabi, and rolled in nori. Six or seven of these do me just fine.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    I have grapes (or other fruit), greek yoghurt, a handful of hazelnuts and a little oats
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Bagels, Yogurt with Granola, Pancakes/Waffles, Smoothies - those are my norms. I like oatmeal - but only in the winter. But, I can't eat eggs.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Protein smoothies: water, vanilla protein, 11% Greek yogurt, spinach, frozen strawberries.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited June 2016
    Left overs from the day before or night before.. Yogurt with granola, cheese toast, peanut butter toast, peanut butter and banana sandwich, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, whole grain waffles, bagels, fruit, fruit salad, french toast, cereal and milk (I do special K protein cereal), pancakes (I hate pancakes though), the options are endless..
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    Vanilla protein powder -whey-spinach, blueberries, ice, water, splash of half and half. Nutribullet RX. Voila. I don't know your plan, but I would stay away from all carbs for breakfast. So no toast, yogurt or oatmeal. And no high sugar fruit like bananas. Why spike your blood sugar in the am to put you in a fat-storing mode right off the bat?
  • TuffDadSF
    TuffDadSF Posts: 3 Member
    If you have a high power blender you may want to try my recipe. I have a shake every morning. It takes around 5 minutes to make, I drink it at 7:30 AM and I am full until lunch at noon. Very nutritious and all good calories.

    Kale - Kale, 1 cup
    Greek Yogurt, 1/2 cup
    Regular Raw - Gala Apple, 0.5 medium apple
    Agave Syrup - Agave Syrup, 1 tbsp
    Spectrum Essentials - Chia Seeds, 1 Tbsp (12g)
    Strawberries, frozen, unsweetened, 0.5 cup
    Precision - Unflavored Whey Isolate (Protein Powder), 1 scoop
    Cucumber - With peel, raw, 1/8 cucumber (8-1/4")
    Coconut Oil Virgin, 1 Tbsp (14g)
    1 cup water or OJ (for extra potassium)
  • hellonew2015
    hellonew2015 Posts: 327 Member
    Protein bar and walnuts
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I love meatballs, burgers or soup (all from my freezer) if I'm not having a "traditional" breakfast.
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    Plain Greek yogurt with fresh berries and a 1/4 cup of Kashi GoLean cereal is my usual breakfast go-to. Another favorite is peanut butter & berries on a sandwich thin (no jelly or jam, just fresh berries).

    Regarding the oatmeal crash, I used to feel that way when I'd eat the Quaker oatmeal packets/cups. Not sure if it was the sugar in them, but I now eat only the steel cut oats, with maybe a little peanut butter &/or berries in it. The extra fat from the peanut butter helps digest them slower, so I don't feel ravenous after a couple hours like I used to.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    English Muffin Pizza - a little pizza sauce, shredded cheese, and topping of your choice on an English muffin. I like Thomas "light" or whole grain muffins because they have lots of fiber. Maybe two minutes to prep and a few minutes in an oven or toaster oven. (pretty fast)

    Toast or a waffle with nut butter or avocado or cheese/deli meat or cream cheese and leftover shredded chicken (fast)

    Wraps or Quesadillas (portable)