Working out BUT gaining weight



  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    Gun4a wrote: »
    Depending on your workouts - you might be gaining muscle (which is heavier than fat). I've been on the same weight for a REALLY long time (over a year) but the way I look has changed a lot. But then again - my goal is to lose fat and not weight (although I wouldn't mind that too :smile: )[/quote

    Umm no! A pound of fat weighs the same amount as a pound of muscle or even a pound of feathers believe it or not. Because muscle is denser then fat the same weight takes up less space.
  • boomboom70
    boomboom70 Posts: 13 Member
    Good luck Angelbaby, I'm in the same position as you and have been reading this with interest :)
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    please come back and let us know if the food scale was the issue
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    MissusMoon wrote: »
    Believe it or not... you may not be eating enough calories to lose weight.... if you are not eating enough your body will go into starvation and prevent you from losing weight. Especially if you are very active. Your body needs fuel and if you are not giving it enough it will hold onto the fat!

    Starvation mode is a myth. It has been proven false under controlled study.

    I agree with you, I fast 2 days a week and work out and lift weights on the days I fast. I know every body is different. Dr. Jason Fung has done definitive work on the subject? If you care to look him up.

    I think the muscle theory I read is a good possibility. I would add that it may be what your eating. I know most people want to say a calorie is a calorie, which is true, but your body dosent use calories. Name one organ that uses calories for fuel. You body breaks the food you eat down into what it needs.

    The question maybe which thing are you eating that is triggering your body to hold on to fat?
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    OP if you are gaining weight then you are not in a deficit. You need to be more accurate with your diary and weigh all food you put in your mouth.

  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    dlkfox wrote: »
    Believe it or not... you may not be eating enough calories to lose weight.... if you are not eating enough your body will go into starvation and prevent you from losing weight. Especially if you are very active. Your body needs fuel and if you are not giving it enough it will hold onto the fat!

    No. No. So much no. If you are not losing weight, you are eating too many calories. If you eat too many calories, you gain weight. #science

    That science is only part of the story. Your right law of thermo dynamics says if you take in so many calories you will need use those calories. The problem is your body dosent know what a calorie is. Calorie is a unit of measurement that scientist (clement) in 1824 as a measure of heat. In 1841 another scientist used the term for food when he was trying prove that humans body uses heat to process food. Thus the definition of calorie "the approximate amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at a pressure of one atmosphere.

    The human body dosent burn food is disolves it. It does use fat protien and carbohydrates. The question is how does your body respond to these macro nutrients?
  • Lysbethskotzke
    Lysbethskotzke Posts: 5 Member
    MissusMoon wrote: »
    I have been on a calorie reduction program to lise weight. I have always been moderatly active as I lice to walk and walk between 3 and 5 miles a day at a brisk pace (4m.p.h). I have reduced red meat consumption, increased fruit and vegetable, medditerranian diet. I have been logging meals, consuming about 1500 cal a day, burn about 300 during excercize. I started in mid april and I have not lost any weight. Zilch. I am 58. 5'7" 176 lb female and I am frustrated.

    And as asked and answered above, are you using a food scale?

    No, I am not using a food scale. But do I really need to weigh an apple an orage or a banana. I use measuring cup for blueberrys and salad. I use to work in a restaurant so am pretty good about eyeballing 4 oz of chicken, or meat. A 6 oz can of tuna, is still a six ounce can of tuna. I eat a lot of fish and chicken for my protien. Basic Mediterranean diet, using recipes from the book. I never eat to feeling full. Snacks are almonds, 10 to 12 pieces. I make my own sorbets from frozen fruit and a little honey. Very little bread, just pita bread with hoummas and tabouli. I scan a lit of the irems using fp scan to get accurate calories from packaging.
  • adevlin0403
    adevlin0403 Posts: 4 Member
    Believe it or not... you may not be eating enough calories to lose weight.... if you are not eating enough your body will go into starvation and prevent you from losing weight. Especially if you are very active. Your body needs fuel and if you are not giving it enough it will hold onto the fat!

    YOu do not lose weight from eating two few calories. That's not how science works.

    You're probably eating too much. Are you weighing all your food?

    Yes you do actually. I've read about it many places and from many weight loss doctor. If your starving , your body will try to store as much fat to keep you up and running . like a car , you need gas to drive right. There's a difference between dieting healthy and extreme where your body can't function correctly
  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    Gun4a wrote: »
    Depending on your workouts - you might be gaining muscle (which is heavier than fat). I've been on the same weight for a REALLY long time (over a year) but the way I look has changed a lot. But then again - my goal is to lose fat and not weight (although I wouldn't mind that too :smile: )

    Seriously ????

    I'm having a Twilight Zone moment. When Oh When, will this muscle heavier than fat misguided thinking STOP.

  • pvju
    pvju Posts: 115 Member
    I don't weigh my food but I am very careful to accurately record the portion size, so you can do this without a scale. I just refuse to get a scale. I am losing, so it's working.

    Try to log throughout the day so you don't accidentally forget something - on days where I put off logging until the end of the day I often find I've inadvertently gone over my calorie count.

    I don't know about you but I graze rather than eat big meals and so I never "feel" like I've eaten a lot even when I have - so be much more careful about counting. Try going for foods where the portions are easy to count - rather than things you have to eyeball.
  • Lysbethskotzke
    Lysbethskotzke Posts: 5 Member
    So if I buy a chicken breast that weighs a pound in its package. There are 16 ounces in a pound. If I divide into 4 portions, should be 4 ounces , or close to 4 ounces each, raw. I don't eat lunch meat, any processed meat at all. I don't eat potato chips, or ice cream. Love to munch on skinny pop pop corn if I do get the munchies and almonds.
  • ConstantStruggle
    ConstantStruggle Posts: 89 Member
    I have been on a calorie reduction program to lise weight. I have always been moderatly active as I lice to walk and walk between 3 and 5 miles a day at a brisk pace (4m.p.h). I have reduced red meat consumption, increased fruit and vegetable, medditerranian diet. I have been logging meals, consuming about 1500 cal a day, burn about 300 during excercize. I started in mid april and I have not lost any weight. Zilch. I am 58. 5'7" 176 lb female and I am frustrated.

    This is Totally ME!!! WTF!!!!?????