Fitness pal really helps!

dynochrome Posts: 5 Member
edited June 2016 in Introduce Yourself
This program has helped me more than anything else ever (Besides my first trainer that was a Mr. Olympian). I know what I have to do to loose weight and keeping a journal of everything you eat is one of them. Having a diet scale is another. Having proper Macros is a third.The scanner makes it easy to add foods that I normally had to type in my last program I used. Yes it was a good deterrent but made it too easy to cheat and leave stuff out. The speed of entry with MFP is everything and makes it painless.

For a long time I was about 186 (started 198) and just seemingly wasn't budging. (profile pic) I was cheating too much and not really tracking everything. Plus had my calories set higher than what they should be. When I used the formulas offered in MFP, I thought they were a little low but the weight started moving. HIT training really got it moving (just 20 min.) Strangely enough I have been keeping my muscle better that I expected.

Weight comes on and off a very small amount at a time eventually over time it becomes a big pile. Work your butt off at the gym and be good it all day and you just took a grain off, Eat more than your are supposed to and put a grain on.

I try to eat the perfect amount of calories every day 5 meals. With the right Macros: 45% carbs (better carbs the better) 35% protein 20% fat(better fats the better). One day a week(sat) I allow myself to go crazy. And I do. 1,200 calorie Mexican meal after the morning gym workout, cookies candy,beers,pizza/Dennys that night. (My (proven) theory is there is only so much you can actually absorb and make fat out of in 1 day and once you go over that it doesn't matter anyway.)

I'm 55 years old 11% body fat and just lost 10 pounds using my fitness pal. I am now down to 173. (goal 169) Before I started life style change I was 198 pounds and 28% body fat.

If you are doing what you are supposed to 90 percent of the time I think you'll still achieve your goals. My fitness pal has made it easy to see problems and be better. Be honest with your inputs and activity level, and if you burn more calories than you eat you WILL loose weight. Period. No exceptions. Calories in vs calories burned + proper macros. No matter what your metabolism, genetic makeup,diseases you have or drugs you are on this is all there is to it.

Say I'm wrong and you have this or that or take this or that or your whole family is heavy, Look at all those places in impoverished countries? They all have metabolisms, genetic makeups,diseases and no one is overweight. You get big by eating too much Period. Sorry to seem harsh, but if you want to loose weight you have to really want it. No excuses and you will I guarantee.
