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Compliment Me...Im a narcissist



  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Just a peak of cleavage, it is like you are trying to be classy all of a sudden

    You are a beast brother and your left ear looks super strong too... Look at the size of it, I bet you can hear me typing right now.
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    She is offically a cougar now .
  • nukephysics
    nukephysics Posts: 406 Member
    You eyes are calming and trusting
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    edited July 2016
    Damned lag ( @lulufit5 , I love how you dye your eyebrows so much darker than your natural hair color! )

    @Pr0m3th3us , I think that your nose would look fine if you can get your plastic surgeon to shape it to be just like you've got it propped-up there on your cellphone
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    You dont look anything close to 40!
    Are you sure that you weren't a huge child found next to a dumpster and your parents just guessed at your age?
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    Gorgeous half the face....I just hope it isn't like the supermarket where they put the good side of the fruit up for you to see.
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    That was a nice halo you tried to put on earlier....too bad it burned off
  • jgkoutr
    jgkoutr Posts: 8,105 Member
    Pretty pic lady ...perfected that I don't give a sh** smirk
  • deanspools2013
    deanspools2013 Posts: 578 Member
    You lost weight and your sink looks cleaner look at you go turbo
  • lunidevojka
    lunidevojka Posts: 9,048 Member
    your so badass in your army hat arent you.
  • jgkoutr
    jgkoutr Posts: 8,105 Member
    Super sexy when u cover up ur crossed eye...goes in just a wee too much
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Youve done an Amazing Job Girl!!!

    Dont let that door hit you in the azz on your way out!
  • lunidevojka
    lunidevojka Posts: 9,048 Member
    You stare as if you have Medusas gaze.