30-40lbs to lose... Who's with me??!!

Hello all!! I'm looking to make a lifestyle change and shed some of this unhealthy weight I've carried for years. Looking for motivational people who want to have a little fun on this journey! Feel free to add me!


  • jen_bush
    jen_bush Posts: 679 Member
    Me! I have 36lbs to lose!! Add me! X
  • danamc07
    danamc07 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I just got started and working to lose 20lbs. We can do it ladies! Add me as well!
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Awesome... go get it! What changes do you plan on focusing on to start?
  • mmarshall425
    mmarshall425 Posts: 71 Member
    Awesome... go get it! What changes do you plan on focusing on to start?

    I've started eating healthier foods and logging everything to stay within my daily calorie goal. I'm also making sure to get in some level of activity daily. Focusing mainly on cardio and weight training.
  • terri4m
    terri4m Posts: 5 Member
    38 lbs to lose
  • budahjaayde
    budahjaayde Posts: 3 Member
    I have 30 -35 lbs to loose. I have used mfp in the past with great success. However since my last child (one year ago) I have been struggling to loose the weight. my biggest problem is motivation. I know it is not impossible and would be quite easy if I just stick with it!!! add me :smile: !!
  • kmartin32506
    kmartin32506 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm taking steps to make this change for real this time. I've always taken care of everyone else and lost me. I've removed negetive people from my life and now it's time to live this life to the best of my ability. Starting off with 40lbs. I would love to have a buddy in Dallas but support is support.
  • mandyplz
    mandyplz Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm looking to lose around 20lbs due to added weight from starting anxiety meds. The weight loss struggle is real but I'm in it to win it. Feel free to add me :)
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Awesome... go get it! What changes do you plan on focusing on to start?

    I've started eating healthier foods and logging everything to stay within my daily calorie goal. I'm also making sure to get in some level of activity daily. Focusing mainly on cardio and weight training.

    Good stuff. Feeling pretty sustainable?
  • crazymama2both
    crazymama2both Posts: 195 Member
    I have 30-40 to lose. I'm in for anyone who wants to add me :)
  • mmarshall425
    mmarshall425 Posts: 71 Member
    Awesome... go get it! What changes do you plan on focusing on to start?

    I've started eating healthier foods and logging everything to stay within my daily calorie goal. I'm also making sure to get in some level of activity daily. Focusing mainly on cardio and weight training.

    Good stuff. Feeling pretty sustainable?

    So far so good. Highly motivated at this point but I'm sure I'll need a kick in the *kitten* at some point. :D:D
  • kristanee81
    kristanee81 Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me. I started changing my eating habits about a month ago and I have lost 2 lbs of the 40 lbs that I need to lose! How about I just go add you right now!
  • jhansi6292
    jhansi6292 Posts: 1 Member
    I have 30 lbs to go. Add me! We can do this.
  • meadekel
    meadekel Posts: 1 Member
    Me as well, 30 pounds is going to be a tough one!
  • determined_M_91
    determined_M_91 Posts: 60 Member
    Well I have much more to lose - around 60 lbs but will be happy to join you on your journey :)
  • annielu1955
    annielu1955 Posts: 1 Member
    You can add me. Began MFP Jun 6th needing to lose 42 lbs. Lost nearly 4 lbs in 4 days, mostly water I am sure but 4 lbs is 4lbs !! Eating as clean as I can - nothing processed. Have also made a weeks worth of meals and have froze them. This is a huge change for me. Feel better already.
  • SaritaWolf
    SaritaWolf Posts: 61 Member
    me! about 30 lbs!
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    You can add me. Began MFP Jun 6th needing to lose 42 lbs. Lost nearly 4 lbs in 4 days, mostly water I am sure but 4 lbs is 4lbs !! Eating as clean as I can - nothing processed. Have also made a weeks worth of meals and have froze them. This is a huge change for me. Feel better already.

    Great job! I've coached 100s of people at this stage and my career and in almost all cases, the most successful people do at least some form of advanced meal prep. Motivation/willpower is fickle. When it's high, it's pretty easy to make quality choices. When it's low, though, meal prep helps a ton. It maintains momentum in spite of how you might be feeling.

    Zero processed food, huh? Mind me asking why such an extreme stance toward processed food?