New to My Fitness Pal!

Hello all!

I am semi-new to my fitness pal. I joined over 2 years ago, but quickly lost motivation. One month ago I weighed myself and was at an all-time high of 180 lbs. I have been mistaken as pregnant, too! Since then, I have lost 2 lbs. My goal is to lose 35 to 40 lbs. I am using portion control and drinking a lot more water than I use to. I only allow myself Soda and Tea on occasion, and one cup of coffee per day (I use to drink 3 or 4 a day). My next step is to implement a workout routine. I have 4 children all between the ages of 3 and 15. I am a college student that is maintaining a 4.0 GPA. I will be graduating with my Undergraduate Degree in Healthcare Management with a specialization in Healthcare Administrative Management in September 2017.

I hope everyone can accomplish the goals they have set for themselves! If you need a friend to help motivate, or just to vent to, feel free to add me!




  • john8083
    john8083 Posts: 11 Member
    I need all the motivation I can get Kristen. The drinking of water is a good idea (doing that right now actually) - good luck with your goals. I will add you. John