Starting Over

Most people look at me like I have two heads when I tell them I would like to lose between 30 and 40 pounds, then follow up by saying "no way do you need to lose that much". Truth is that I have been thin most of life but as I age I have found it harder to maintain. After my daughter was born eight years ago I found myself weighing 167 at 5'3" which was very uncomfortable for me. I lost a significant amount of weight (about 40 pounds) and kept it off for about 3 years. Slowly the weight crept back up and with the demands of work, kids, and life it became more difficult to keep it off or stick with a healthy lifestyle. Fears of weight related illnesses, feeling uncomfortable, and wanting to look appealing in my eyes have led me to decide to start over. Yes, I am dedicated to being healthier, feeling better, and avoiding a larger sized wardrobe. No excuses...Starting over.