Marathon Training -again!

srevels85 Posts: 49 Member
Hi all!
I've been a part of MFP for a good while, but never really used it to its full use! I want to introduce myself. I'm an runner, working towards my second Marathon coming up in December. I run for time, and my current PR in the full is 3:15. I of course want to beat that. I have let my training slack a bit over the past couple years due to lingering stress fractures caused by over training. BUT, ready to get back at it in a much smarter way. I'm so excited to be training for this next marathon! Its going to take alot out of me again, but I know I can do it with encouragment and friends. I'll be training in intense Florida heat and humidity which makes things ALOT more challenging, but BRING IT!

Anyone else training for races or just run in general?