Pre workout ideas for energy

I went to my very first early morning class at the gym today which started at 5.30. I got up at 4.45, got ready, had a banana and a small glass of water and headed off. The class was Les Mills Grit followed by cx so fairly high intensity but I'm not new to fitness, however, I've never worked out before breakfast before. 10 minutes in and I was an absolute wreck - weak, shaky, dizzy and nauseous. I managed to make it to the end of the class but had to reduce my input quite significantly from what is my norm. So my question is what can I do before an early workout session to give me enough energy to work hard and not feel so weak? I'd rather not get up even earlier and don't want anything that will sot heavily or repeat on me. Thanks in advance :)


  • kirstywhyman
    kirstywhyman Posts: 15 Member
    edited June 2016
    *sit heavily
  • pdxhak
    pdxhak Posts: 383 Member
    I take a caffeine pill as soon as I wake up. It takes about 30 min to get into your system which may seem like a long time but it is not. Takes a few minutes to get ready and drive to the gym. Stretch out for a couple of minutes. Next thing you know it is go time :)