No Weight Loss in First Week of Carb Cycling - Food Diary Open to View



  • Cryss2390
    Cryss2390 Posts: 6 Member
    When a person is experienced in losing weight and they have been doing it for a long time and they know that their diet and that workout plan has nothing to do with their weight gain then obviously it is something wrong. I have read the previous comments and most people seem to think that one day he can miss up a whole week of working out and I find that to be false. I am having the same issues I have been working out religiously four days a week and hour a day for one month straight and my calorie deficient has been satisfied. With that being said I have not seen any results actually I have noticed a weight gain. However, I have done my research and have come up on the idea of something called microtrauma is what happens when your body has been undergoing a complete 180. So, when you are doing something different that you're not used to doing, your body may react in a different way and may cause you to hold a lot of water weight. Not to say that all of the other commenters are wrong, however I do believe that it is more so a personal thing then a scientific thing. Everybody's body reacts in a different way, therefore every reason of doubt, may not apply to you. I am not a professional nor do I claim to be, however, I do have a lot of experience in weight loss because I have been on a journey for the longest, I hope this helps you or someone else. With that being said all I can say is that if you feel like you are doing everything right then continue to do it and you will see the results eventually. :)
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Cryss2390 wrote: »
    I have done my research and have come up on the idea of something called microtrauma is what happens when your body has been undergoing a complete 180. So, when you are doing something different that you're not used to doing, your body may react in a different way and may cause you to hold a lot of water weight.

    You should do some research into Occam's Razor ('s_razor) - I think it will lead you to question this assumption:
    Cryss2390 wrote: »
    I am having the same issues I have been working out religiously four days a week and hour a day for one month straight and my calorie deficient has been satisfied.

    OP - This...
    Cryss2390 wrote: »
    With that being said all I can say is that if you feel like you are doing everything right then continue to do it and you will see the results eventually. :)

    is poor advice. There are lots of people who feel that they are doing the right thing and yet pile on more fat every month. To recap previous posts:

    You have an un-tracked cheat day - It is highly likely that this is blowing your deficit but one week is probably not long enough to judge that. "Cheat" if you must but track that food and then at the least you will have data which you can use to tweak your future eating/exercise. IMHO it would be prudent to drop the cheat day/meal altogether.