Nasty Things People Say and How We Can Overcome



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Oh man these stories are terrible! I mean I've been fat shamed before, and butthurt when someone told me to move my fat *kitten*, but nothing as detrimental as these stories. I am so sorry that you were humiliated by strangers/fathers/*kitten*. I also believe in karma, and she's a mean one.
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    I have been a big girl all my life . . so I probably could fill 2 books with insults I have received over the years. I think what hurt me most, is my grandma would tell me people were always making fun of me. That I was being laughed at all the time. If we went out to eat, she would make sure to tell me that. It made me not want to eat, but then I'd binge when I got home.

    Sad that even though she hurt me deeply and messed with my head, I still love her and miss her.
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    I am replying based on the hershey comment. She must have had a mental problem to say that kind of thing to you. Either that or some government bum that has never worked in the public. Enough said. People like that make me mad.

    My goodness, you don't have to work in public sector jobs to be the target of some jerks abuse. I've worked retail and government,and had the worst abuse heaped on me in the latter, cuz you know they pay me so they own me. I got me favorite moment of revenge in retail when a guy was berating me because he missed the sale and I was fat (why that mattered, I know not) I was holding his fifty $ in my hand waiting for a manager when it occurred to that I could faint (from being all fat and stuff) Down I went hiding the fifty and I made sure he waited a good long time to get it back.
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    I have been a big girl all my life . . so I probably could fill 2 books with insults I have received over the years. I think what hurt me most, is my grandma would tell me people were always making fun of me. That I was being laughed at all the time. If we went out to eat, she would make sure to tell me that. It made me not want to eat, but then I'd binge when I got home.

    Sad that even though she hurt me deeply and messed with my head, I still love her and miss her.
    Hurtful comments from people we love are the hardest. Usually they think they are helping, but no.
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    Try not to let it get to you... It's wasted energy. Easier said than done, I know. Karma has a divine way of taking care of things :) Just keep focusing on your health and well-being -- mind, body, and soul! And try not to show any hurt or anger when people try to bring you down (this makes them even angrier :))
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    I have been a big girl all my life . . so I probably could fill 2 books with insults I have received over the years. I think what hurt me most, is my grandma would tell me people were always making fun of me. That I was being laughed at all the time. If we went out to eat, she would make sure to tell me that. It made me not want to eat, but then I'd binge when I got home.

    Sad that even though she hurt me deeply and messed with my head, I still love her and miss her.
    Hurtful comments from people we love are the hardest. Usually they think they are helping, but no.

    True. What sucks is when someone tells you, you should do the world a favor and die. Its like.... 'what are you smokin? No one should DIE because they don't fit someones view of perfection.'
  • Amalthea_Rose
    Amalthea_Rose Posts: 278 Member
    My hurt of the week/month has got to be what comes from my brother .. he's so negative about what I'm doing .. always criticizinghow iI've approached this, saying I'm starving myself (im not) and telling me that I don't eat "real" food anymore.. just because I choose not to go out to lunch everyday, not to have huge portions .. I'm tired of him being so negative and ya, it hurts .. I guess just because its not about him and he has failed so far in his "attempts" to lose he tries to make me want to quit .. but I've done good so far .. not stopping now
  • jeromykaplan
    jeromykaplan Posts: 205 Member
    Forget that punk, think about the dumb look on his face next time you workout, i do that when punching and kicking it helps haha
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I think you just need to remember that you were the class act in this situation. The guys was a jerk and there's not much you do for yourself in 'outjerking' them. you hardly win at that game. How would being as big a jerk as he is help you? What's pathetic is that a guy who seemingly has it so together feels any need to pick on anyone at all. so the guy is clearly a mess in his head. but that's not your problem.

    you did fine. let it go. and as other's have said here, my experience is that Kharma's a ***** and what goes around comes around. old enough to have seen that work so often I know I can count on old mother nature to manage retribution much more effectively than I can ever hope to. let it go.
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    Yesterday, I was shopping for a pair of shorts because 1) I only own one pair, and 2) the size I have is too big (yay!). So I grabbed a pair to try on in the fitting room. Well, I didn't know the lock was broken and that no one could see anyone was in the room. As I was trying on a pair (which were a size smaller, but I couldn't zip them :cry: )-- struggling a little complete with my gut hanging out a bit-- an older gentleman pushes up my door and sees my struggle before seeing my chubby tummy. He looks at me and goes "oh..." and shuts the door and walks out. I change back into my clothes and head back into the store. The guy finds me to talk to me. He didn't apologize for not knocking or anything, but he tells me "next time, please shop the plus-size section. You might have better luck there, or better yet, Catherine's Plus SIze is across the street, their clothes may be more fitting." :sad: I felt so crushed, especially since I've been working hard (he should have seen me when I weighed 230 pounds)!

    Then I felt terrible for ordering a smoothie 10 minutes prior and drinking it. I wanted to curl up, die, starve myself... I went and jogged on the trail and cried...
  • sexymuffintop
    Yesterday, I was shopping for a pair of shorts because 1) I only own one pair, and 2) the size I have is too big (yay!). So I grabbed a pair to try on in the fitting room. Well, I didn't know the lock was broken and that no one could see anyone was in the room. As I was trying on a pair (which were a size smaller, but I couldn't zip them :cry: )-- struggling a little complete with my gut hanging out a bit-- an older gentleman pushes up my door and sees my struggle before seeing my chubby tummy. He looks at me and goes "oh..." and shuts the door and walks out. I change back into my clothes and head back into the store. The guy finds me to talk to me. He didn't apologize for not knocking or anything, but he tells me "next time, please shop the plus-size section. You might have better luck there, or better yet, Catherine's Plus SIze is across the street, their clothes may be more fitting." :sad: I felt so crushed, especially since I've been working hard (he should have seen me when I weighed 230 pounds)!

    Then I felt terrible for ordering a smoothie 10 minutes prior and drinking it. I wanted to curl up, die, starve myself... I went and jogged on the trail and cried...

    My god, what a total douche. I think these kind of people must have a few brain cells missing, I literally cannot understand how else to explain that kind of rudeness. Either that or his mother didn't love him....Either way, he's an idiot who will always be a idiot likely, you on the other hand might be overweight, but you can change that, unlike he can with his douche bag personality.