Goodbye, Burger Combo! I'll miss you!



  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Learn to make great homemade burgers. We just made some turkey burgers and they were actually quite good :) The good thing about MFP is that it will show you how outrageous it is to eat out at those restaurants.

    PS: love your picture. Is that you with a tiger? they are my favorite animals and I'm jealous of that picture :)

    THIS. I can make a huge turkey burger with 12 oz of meat and 3 slices of cheese for a fraction of the calories and like not even 12 grams of fat (99% lean turkey is from heaven)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Pretty much every time I go out and play tennis for a few hours, I end up getting a big hamburger after. Whether it's a Whopper, Five Guys, or a Quarter Pounder, it always hits the spot. I usually get fries with it.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    In for the inevitable food shaming and demonizing.
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    I stay away from fast food places now because of that. We ate at a few place when I was on vacation a month ago. None of it tasted that good to me anymore. We made turkey burgers last week that were amazing!
  • Shea100
    Shea100 Posts: 16
    Thank you! Yes, that's India. She was only 1 year old, and that was the happiest day of my life. I never dreamed I'd get to touch such an amazing creature! I think Turkey Burgers sound like a great idea!

    Best wishes,

  • scookiemonster
    scookiemonster Posts: 175 Member
    Eh, don't worry, you won't miss them that much.

    About seven years ago I cut out fast food like McDonald's, Wendy's, etc. I had gained a ton of weight in a short period time from visiting too many drive through windows, and I decided I needed to just quit it cold turkey. I still occasionally eat things like Subway, Chipotle, etc., but no more fast food burgers and fries. Since then, I've tried it once or twice, thinking I'd give myself a treat - turns out it's not much of a treat at all. Greasy, flavorless, tastes like nothing but salt and fat, and gave me a horrible stomach ache. I make a better burger at home (regular beef, but also lamb burgers, turkey burgers, etc). If you don't eat fast food for a while, you lose the taste for it and don't really miss it anymore.